No Code of Conduct
No Code of Conduct
| 19 March 1999 (USA)
No Code of Conduct Trailers

A cop (Charlie Sheen), his partner (Dacascos), and his father (Martin Sheen) uncover a plot by city elders to smuggle drugs from Mexico into Phoenix, Arizona.

Dotsthavesp I wanted to but couldn't!
Micransix Crappy film
Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
Usamah Harvey The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Comeuppance Reviews From the mind who invented the song "Unskinny Bop", Bret Michaels, comes "No Code Of Conduct", his second directorial effort after "A Letter From Death Row"."Charles" Sheen as he liked to be called for 2 years (1997- to early 1999) was okay in this film. He plays a cop on the edge. He drinks too much and spends little time with his family etc.... His father Martin is in it and plays a nothing role as his father. Joe Estevez of "Money To Burn" fame plays a helpful mechanic. The editing is very silly because there's always a "whoosh" sound before the scene starts. It is a ** star film.For more insanity, please visit:
Facade This should have been a good film. Fine actors, a fair story line, violence and guns a plenty.I hope no-one in Law Enforcement sees this one.How did the Sheens get their police jobs? Incompetent doesn't describe their performances. I'm a big fan of shootouts, especially the John Woo style with vast expenditure of ammunition, but these were insultingly bad. Charlie does justify his appalling aim in a scene with his wife where he tells her that he is coming home to his family rather than spending time at the firing range. (He should have spent half the film there if you ask me)There is a scene where it occurs to me that someone had reduced the powder loads in their ammunition to the point that they bounce off car body panels at 5 metres. (This also explains why the guns jam, there isn't enough power to work the action)I could have done better. Even I could hit a van at 5 metres!Watching this will have you squirming with embarrassment for the Sheens, and wanting to help them shorten the film by an hour by actually aiming at things.
FlickJunkie-2 Charlie Sheen produced this home movie starring his father (Martin Sheen), his uncle (Joe Estevez) and himself. This is a B-minus film about dirty cops involved in a drug deal. Almost everything about this film is second rate. The story is predictable and unoriginal. The dialogue is mindless and insipid. The photography is dull and the music is awful. The only redeeming elements are the stunts and pyrotechnics, which are reasonably well done.The acting is mediocre at best. Charlie Sheen is often embarrassingly bad, leaving his dad to carry the film. Uncle Joe is just a throw in to keep the family employed and adds nothing to the film. The three drug goons are wretched.Charlie Sheen's once bright career continues to grind gears with this clunker. I rated it a 4/10. Action lovers might enjoy it, but others will want to pass.
okramkay I was impressed that director Michaels cast against the grain. Really impressed with the work of habitually nice guys Joe Lando (Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman) and Ron Masak (murder, She Wrote)as the baddies...Masak's low key approach to the role was refreshing and menacing. Also liked the work of Newcomer Tina Nguyen. Charlie Sheen should watch his Dad more and see what good acting is...Kudos for Brett Michaels.
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