The Vindicator
The Vindicator
R | 14 February 1986 (USA)
The Vindicator Trailers

An employee of a secret company operation becomes the victim of the company's special weapons project. He is transformed into a robotic killing machine that, because of his programming must destroy anything that comes near him.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
sol- This curious precursor to 'RoboCop' stars David McIlwraith as a scientist turned into a cyborg after being seriously injured in an explosion. While the film lacks Paul Verhoeven's dark sense of humour, it features well crafted action scenes, great makeup effects (beneath the mask), an awesome body suit and lots of fascinating pseudoscience with McIlwraith working in a laboratory experimenting with rage control. The film also prods a bit into the personal identity crisis he faces after realising that he has become a cyborg; "I don't know what I am", he emotionally states at one point. Verhoeven would of course prod into such territory in further depth, but there is enough here to render 'The Vindicator' less a simple revenge thriller and more a resonating character drama. An interesting plot element is how he has been redesigned to kill any human beings who touch him, which leads to some complexities as he tries to reconnect with his wife (who has been told that he died in the explosion). Not everything quite adds up here with one character inexplicably transforming into a mindless sex maniac at one point to further the plot (!), but it is a pretty classy affair that stands up well if not judged alongside 'RoboCop'. The budget here was of course far more modest, and yet the filmmakers create some excellent set pieces; a sewer segment is especially eerie.
Golden_Brown Going into this movie, I was expecting a Robocop rip-off, what I got was a fairly entertaining Robocop rip-off that also reminded me of Darkman and The Guyver in equal amounts. Imagine my surprise then, to learn that this fairly obscure little movie actually predates all of those films by a good few years, and the only films that are blatant influences on it are The Terminator and Frankenstein.A brilliant Scientist is killed by his boss to be recreated as an invulnerable Cyborg who will obey his every command. However, when the control chip for him is detached, he escapes, visiting his mourning wife, while being hunted by a Bounty Hunter(played by Pam Grier) and the company's scientists and hired muscle, before he decides to put an end to their schemes.It's not brilliant, and all of the aforementioned movies, barring maybe the first Guyver, are better than it, but that doesn't mean it's not a fairly good B-grade Sci-Fi movie that never bored or failed to entertain me. The effects, done by Stan Winston, are actually pretty good, although the Cyborg's design could have been better, it's actual creation is excellent. Acting in the movie is fairly divided, with the main players all doing very well, but the supporting cast are pretty dreadful.Worth watching to see a sort of Pre-Robocop Robocop.
Macholic Looks as if the Robocop writer has been wholesale looting The Vindicator. This is a very solid horror/action movie about a man set up in an accident to be used in cruel experiment. Anyone who have seen Robocop knows the story. Watch out for Pam Grier as a bitchy and darn good looking assassin. This highly effective, violent and bloody horror movie may not be to everyones liking, but this Canadian outing is well worth seeking out for anyone who is fan of the genre. 8/10
cfc_can You probably have never heard of this movie but it's a real find. It's a mixture of science-fiction/action and revenge themes. It has a comic book plot but it's presented in a fast paced, razzle-dazzle way. The cast is in pretty good form too. Chaykin really steals the show in an interesting plot twist. It doesn't have much to do with the original Frankenstein legend so The Vindicator is a better title than Frankenstein 88. It was shot in Montreal but you'd never know it. Unlike many Canadian films made at the time, it does not have an ultra-slow, cheap look about it. In fact, the special effects and sets are highly impressive. It only had a minimal release and then turned up on Pay-TV and video. If you like sci-fi even a tiny bit, check this out and tell a friend. You won't be disappointed!