The Scorpion King 2: Rise of a Warrior
The Scorpion King 2: Rise of a Warrior
PG-13 | 19 August 2008 (USA)
The Scorpion King 2: Rise of a Warrior Trailers

The heroic tale of young Mathayus and his relentless quest for justice against an evil and powerful villain, King Sargon. Mathayus faces heart-stopping tribulations during his adventurous, odds-defying trajectory toward his ultimate destiny: becoming the formidable warrior king of an ancient desert empire.

FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Roxie The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
adonis98-743-186503 In Ancient Akkad, Mathayus grows up as the proud son of Ashur, a captain in the world-renowned military corps of Black Scorpions, first-rate bodyguards, most of which are sent to courts wide away. The Scorpion King 2: Rise of a Warrior is the sequel that nobody asked for to the 2002 suprisingly awesome Scorpion King that starred Dwayne Johnson and Michael Clarke Duncan and who do we get for the sequel? Randy Couture that's right, that man can barely act his way out of a paper bag except The Expendables Trilogy and in here? He is no different. (0/10)
SnoopyStyle Mathayus' father is the leader of the elite Black Scorpions but he refuses to let Mathayus enlist. Layla as a girl is also rejected. Sargon (Randy Couture) uses black magic to kill Mathayus' father and later becomes the king of Akkad. He allows Mathayus to join the Scorpions. When he orders Mathayus to kill a friend who slandered him, Mathayus revolts. With the help of Layla and others, he sets off for Egypt to steal the Spear of Osiris. The Spear is only the first step as they steal the Sword of Damocles from Astarte.The original Scorpion King has many problems but it does have the Rock. His obvious charisma saves that movie from being what this movie turns out to be. This has a lot of weak acting from no-name actors, weak CGI, weak writing, and Randy Couture as the villain. Couture is no Rock. He is acting as one expects from an untrained actor. This is inferior in almost every respect.
davemfawcett I can handle corny, silly and even bad acting if the story is good and the plot makes some sense and the action is plausible. Heck, while I liked most of the mummy movies and even felt the first scorpion king was worth watching...once; this movie was a colossal waist of time.Not often is a movie so bad I felt obligated to warn other's to stay away. The director Russell Mulcahy has done some decent movies in the past; but definitely cheated the people who financed this debacle. It is perhaps the worst job of directing I have sense since.....well ever. It was obvious they were just trying to cash in on the first Scorpion King movie, the director appeared not even to try and ensure a half way decent product; confusing plot line, jumping from one part of the earth to the other in a matter of seconds with no explanation on how they got there, (hours to get into forest, seconds to get out???) implausible fight scenes at the end (both the arena and the scorpion) that were so bad it made me angry I even watched it till the ending. I was like, Really Director...ugh
Big Cloits Every single criticism of this movie is pretty much correct. But I still had fun.I hate defending a movie because you have to accept it "for what it is," but I'll make an exception for this fine and dandy B-movie, because you really do have to accept it for what it is. There's no possible way to enjoy it if you take it seriously... but there's also no reason to take it seriously! But has there ever really been a "good" serious film in this genre? Precious few, maybe none.Somewhere early on I got the idea that the movie felt pretty much exactly like playing a D&D module, and that mental picture actually really worked for me -- it felt nostalgic. Once I had that in my head, it was easy to favorably compare the film to many other films that have tried the same thing and failed much (much) more horribly. I have turned off many other contenders. Notice I'm still not saying that this film was "good" -- just much less bad than a lot of films of the same general type. I'm saying it was good for a B movie.It was good for a B movie especially because the acting and script were not gratingly horrible. (Okay, the wrestler-dude king was as stiff as a board, I can't deny that.) But the young fella and whatshercuteface were actually pretty good, and the scribe guy wasn't so horrible either. They seemed to be comfortable and having fun in their silly little roles, and they were actually responding to each other, not just reading the lines. That's way, way more than you can expect from most B movies.So, seriously, don't take this film seriously. Of course it's not "good". If you want to watch this sort of thing, cut it some slack and have a good time. You could definitely do worse!