Last Action Hero
Last Action Hero
PG-13 | 18 June 1993 (USA)
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After his father's death, a young boy finds solace in action movies featuring an indestructible cop. Given a magic ticket by a theater manager, he is transported into the film and teams up with the cop to stop a villain who escapes into the real world.

Nonureva Really Surprised!
Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
John Doe This is a fun movie within a movie type film that has cameos from lots of good actors, and has a good story. I liked it.I give Last Action Hero a 6/10
deborahzzzzz An excellent action film as always from Arnie loved it & would watch this again for sure Such a family film for all but also the line of stars was an excellent choice Charles Dance & Anthony Quinn an excellent lineup - also the action was non-stop which made you glued to the screen waiting for the next action
Leofwine_draca John McTiernan's self-referential blockbuster spoof was a major flop on release, mainly because audiences just didn't get it. However time has been kind to this film, and looking back on it today, it proves to be a pleasing alternative to the more standard action fare filling the cinemas at the time.This time, the typical story is played for laughs as Schwarzenegger does battle with a one-eyed villain, Benedict, played to the hilt by Charles Dance. There are some amazing over the top set pieces to enjoy, with the action completely contrived and unbelievable, and these are the best moments. Take for example when Schwarzenegger is swinging from a crane with a corpse, or the numerous car chases, or many other moments. These scenes are hilarious and are meant to be, commenting on the absurdity of the modern action film.The film is brimming with a host of stars, mainly in blink and you'll miss 'em roles. Chevy Chase and Jean-Claude Van Damme both turn up briefly, as do Robert Patrick, Tina Turner, and many others. Arnold Schwarzenegger plays his typical cinematic persona, full of wisecracks and brawn, but this time it's a more tongue in cheek performance than is usual for him. He is supported by a standard villainous role from Charles Dance, who is memorable with his glass eye, yet also contrived and generic. Anthony Quinn amongst others lends support to the proceedings, and the only downside is the casting of a young, annoyingly bland child as the co-star. I could have done without the kid.With lots of gags, winks and clever moments (especially when Schwarzenegger has to gatecrash the premier of a film starring himself, and he meets up with the actor who plays him, and the bit where Dance discovers that nobody cares if he kills somebody), as well as some of the wildest action to ever hit the screens, LAST ACTION HERO is an interesting effort, unfairly maligned by the public but worth a look if you're in the mood for something different. Definitely hit and miss, but I found it to be worth it in the end.
slightlymad22 Continuing my plan to watch every Arnie movie in order, I come to his 1993 flick Last Action Hero. Plot In A Paragraph: With the help of a magic ticket, a young film fan is transported into the fictional world of his favorite action film character.Both Arnie and director John McTeirnan were riding high when they teamed up for what Arnie promised would be "The biggest movie of the summer" sadly it didn't deliver, and whilst people liked it, nobody really loved it, and all anybody remembers is it tanked/under performed and Jurassic Park killed it. Which for me is more than a bit unfair, as I do enjoy it. I don't rewatch it often, but when I do, I enjoy it for what it is.I think a lot of people miss the joke with this, in that, it is intended as a spoof!! I know I'll be in the minority, in liking it!! For me it's simply fun. I love all the little movie references. It may not be Arnie or McTiernan's finest work, but it is amusing if you get the humour. The jokes and cameos are OK, and Arnie'self-parody is just great. Truthfully not all of the jokes work, but over all it's enjoyable, Last Action Hero grossed $50 million at the domestic Box Office to end the year the 26th highest grossing movie of 1993. Whilst a massive disappoint following T2, in his autobiography Total Recall, Arnie says it wasn't a flop, and actually made money!! Just not as much as anticipated.
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