Kindergarten Cop
Kindergarten Cop
PG-13 | 21 December 1990 (USA)
Kindergarten Cop Trailers

Hard-edged cop John Kimble gets more than he bargained for when he goes undercover as a kindergarten teacher to get the goods on a brutal drug lord while at the same time protecting the man's young son. Pitted against a class of boisterous moppets whose antics try his patience and test his mettle, Kimble may have met his match … in more ways than one.

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Benedito Dias Rodrigues Schwarzenegger always played a badass type,in early part he does,but after became a kindergarden's teacher arouse him a pleasure to work with children,this movie itself falling down in those hollywood clichés,too many soppy,as were conceived as commercial picture we must understand,therefore it ends up all fall down a little bit,in other hand we have a crook and his cruel mother marvelous acting by Carroll Baker and also Linda Hunt as quite often had an encreased value to the plot,taking he picture in a high level,in general way the result was totally satisfying as family movie!!Resume:First watch: 1992 / How many: 3 / Source: TV-DVD / Rating: 7
lukem-52760 This truly is a lovely Schwarzenegger Classic movie that i watched so many times growing up on video, i remember this movie from very young & always loved Arnold films he was the first actor i knew & liked & here he is a joy to watch & that's also because the great Ivan reitman knows great feelgood comedy!!! Schwarzenegger gives a fun performance as Richard Kimble the under cover cop pretending to be a kindergarten teacher & it's so much fun with cool quotable lines & a beautiful music score & excellently directed by REITMAN make this old school cop comedy Thriller a true classic!!! Won't need to talk about the plot or story as everyone knows it!!!! Just a great fun family film with some comedy,drama & action but mixed together perfectly by director ivan reitman & a great performance by Schwarzenegger, a childhood CLASSIC that I've watched hundreds of times, it's so much fun
foufoutos-53734 no this is not a positive message in a movie directed to children despite its violence Linda hunt may be happy with Arnold beating up a physically inferior abusive father but that's not a humane approach to the serious subject of domestic violence, the answer is not more violence the papa bear character does exactly to the abusive father what the abusive father does to his child would an intervention like this make the father less violent or more loving towards his kid in real life? Oh now i got my ass kicked, i wont beat you even harder but i understand i was wrong, Arnie's punches on my head made me see the light. That was back in 1990. Have all these movies made our society a better one, i wonder? Or are they just pure entertainment, no hidden agenda or social messages?
Robert J. Maxwell Arnold Schwarzenegger is a rough, dirty cop who is forced to go undercover as a kindergarten teacher in Astoria, Oregon, in pursuit of a mob witness.It sounds obscene, but not to despair. Arnold is his likable self, there are occasional outbursts of violence, Penelope Ann Miller has a dazzling smile, you don't get such an overdose of sentimentality that you feel you've been slimed, and it has its funny moments.A lot of the amusing stuff comes from the five-year olds, some of them disgustingly cute. But the funniest scenes of all come from Arnold Schwarzenegger trying to act. He's marvelous. He's blunt and forthright in his projections. If emotions like rage were a weight, he'd bench press them. When the anarchic kiddies are about to drive him nuts he explodes with anger and you ought to see it. His mandible juts forward, his lavender lips open in a tangled "O", and you can see every single one of his teeth, including his impacted molars, and they are all made of muscle not ivory. "ARGHHH!," roars Arnold, giving it everything he's got.At the end, the erstwhile baffled body builder learns how to take pride in helping children and leaves his rough-hewn ways back in Los Angeles to join his new-found profession. How could it be otherwise? Some of the kids really ARE cute in their artless ways. They stumble while reciting their lines, fall over toy furniture, things like that.The whole thing works in the most commercial sense. Arnold is a businessman. He and I got along very well together on our unforgettable joint project, "Raw Deal" or whatever it was called. Yes, I'd say we resonated. I glanced at him and his cigar once or twice and he glanced at my T shirt ("Walker Museum, Minneapolis") then ignored me completely. He and director Ivan Reitman are in synchrony. Neither wants to make a particularly good movie. They want to make money -- and they no doubt did.