PG-13 | 08 April 2011 (USA)
Hanna Trailers

Raised by her father, an ex-CIA agent, in the wilds of Finland, Hanna's upbringing has been geared to making her the perfect assassin. Sent into the world by her father on a mission, Hanna journeys across Europe, eluding agents dispatched after her by a ruthless intelligence operative. As she nears her ultimate target, Hanna faces startling revelations about her existence.

SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Kirpianuscus The right word maybe do not exist in this case. Because the performances are great, the plot is good, the ressurection of the memories from childhood lectures works. And the landscapes are impressive. An admirable thriller. And great job of Saoirse Ronan.
dr_john_pollard I'm surprised to see any negative reviews, but such is life I guess. I just wanted to add that the Director's Commentary is really good and adds to the experience. So if you are fan of this film like I am, this is highly recommended.Every time I see or think about this film, I always feel like this is the one film that truly deserved a second film to take the Hanna character further.
Prismark10 Hanna is a modern day fairy tale, The Brothers Grimm meets Jason Bourne with plenty of lapses in logic.Saoirse Ronan is Hanna a teenage girl raised in the wilderness of Finland by her father, an ex-CIA operative Erik Heller (Eric Bana) who since her mother died raised her with the skills of an assassin. Erik realises that Hanna is at an age when she might be ready to see the outside world and the chaos this would bring.Cate Blanchett is a senior CIA agent Marissa Wiegler who wants to track down and kill them both. It seems Hanna was genetically modified in a secret CIA experiment many years earlier giving her exceptional abilities.Erik activated a beacon and leaves, instructing Hanna to meet him in Berlin. A CIA special forces team arrives to capture Hanna who is taken to an underground complex and escapes where Hanna seems to be very adept in surviving in the modern world such as using the internet when before she lived in a remote survivalist environment.Blanchett plays the wicked witch but we have little idea of her motives as to why she even kills innocent people. Once the action stops it becomes a rather derivative euro-plodding thriller. The Chemical Brothers soundtrack just reminds you that it wants to be a junior Jason Bourne.
Eddie_weinbauer The story of Hanna,is something you get dropped right in the middle off,and then have to figure out the background, piece by piece.Eric Bana does and just average job, as her father and mentor. But it doesn't look like he puts much effort in it. There is a lot of dwelling on scenes that really are only "page fillers" with no point in them,except to show what Hanna experience at that particular moment. The problem with them, is they dwell to long on them.They are of very little interest to the viewer.Watching 5-10 min. Of gypsy dancing is irrelevant for driving the story forward. And Hanna's expression is the same all the time.So you don't know how she feel about itAs someone else's pointed out you have to shut of your brain and just enjoy. But it get difficult when the movie can't keep the pace. The old JCV movies managed that quite well.You shut of your brain and just watch.But this one is too long,and too flawed.saoirse Ronan could use some more classes in showing emotion with you facial expressions. She unfortunately has a very stone faced expression.******Spoilers**********Spoilers********spoilers*******spoilers** What bother me is the very stereotypical approach to the whole thing. Hannas father(who is an ex secret agent/Assassin) has trained her to be a super assassin.Krav Maga,hunting killing,how to live of the land etc. But have totally failed to train her on social etiquette,and behavior. Which make no sense at all. How are you suppose to blend in when you stick out as a soar thumb. Sure you can't prepare them for everything,when you are just two people in a cabin in the woods.But some basic stuff would be expected.I get the feel the movie changed direction, and background on the characters midway. But all in all it's an OK movie. A bit to long for this type peharps