PG-13 | 27 August 2008 (USA)
Traitor Trailers

When straight arrow FBI agent Roy Clayton heads up the investigation into a dangerous international conspiracy, all clues seem to lead back to former U.S. Special Operations officer Samir Horn.

Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
michaeldecker Where to start? This is so ghastly, but perhaps the most damaging stereotype is the 'Muslim sleeper cell' construct, reinforcing the idea that your neighbours are one phonecall away from dropping their suburban lives, strapping on a bomb, and immolating themselves and a bunch of innocent American children and shoppers. It's a disgrace that such films are made, Cheadle should be ashamed of himself.
Uriah43 As a young child living in Yemen "Samir Horn" (Don Cheadle) experiences the death of his father in a car bomb planted by terrorists. Afterward his mother takes him to America where he grows up and eventually joins the army as a demolitions expert. After separating from the army he begins to sell explosive detonators to the highest bidder which eventually leads him to a Muslim terrorist movement in Sudan. Unfortunately, while a meeting is taking place he is arrested and sent to a prison and upon his escape joins a terrorist movement which has use for his skills. At any rate, rather than disclose the rest of the story and risk ruining the film for those who haven't seen it I will just that that this was a pretty good action film with some drama and suspense thrown in for good measure. I especially liked the performance of Don Cheadle who I thought played the part to near perfection. Above average.
hamadabeckham001 well in small words in this movie i hated to see Muslims whole target in live is to kill Americans , That's what the movie said & show that it doesn't matter what Muslims look like or even if they have different opinions , at the end they gonna suicide & kill people . isn't that just lame !! Samir told his American girlfriend that he don't believe in killing civilians & give her many justification , Then he simply do kill civilians with no regard to his justifications , That one way or another showed me that you can't trust in any Muslim point of view , No matter how many view ,justifications he gave , as long as at the end he is gonna show his black heart against you .
tedsltg This movie is a poor excuse for someone attempting to make a political statement void of true facts. Before you watch this movie, be aware of the agenda set forth as follows:1) America is a violent/evil country 2) All religions are violent 3) Islam is no more violent than all the othersYou will find the casting and dialog of this movie supports this "untrue" agenda fully. The Americans are portrayed as hot-tempered, angry, and prone to errors in judgment. The followers of Allah are portrayed as victims of American tyranny who are generally family oriented, spiritual, thoughtful and worthy of our sympathy. This movie is an insult to intelligence and true factual discovery. This movie erodes American patriotism if you tend to believe the message it puts forth.The Crusades was an act of self-defense from Muhammad's wave of bloodshed, violence and domination over a period of 1,000 years (with significant conquests starting in 641ad to 1683ad) and the terror continues to the present day. This movie suggests a contrary theory to this fact but fails to support it's claim.Western civilization knows the Golden Rule and assumes that all should abide by it. The truth is: they don't. No amount of Hollywood propaganda will change that fact. To Islam, Hollywood are infidels (not worthy to live). I would rather see a political movie that is validly realistic and not idealistically "twisted" and void of factual credence.