PG-13 | 23 November 2012 (USA)
Hitchcock Trailers

Following his great success with "North by Northwest," director Alfred Hitchcock makes a daring choice for his next project: an adaptation of Robert Bloch's novel "Psycho." When the studio refuses to back the picture, Hitchcock decides to pay for it himself in exchange for a percentage of the profits. His wife, Alma Reville, has serious reservations about the film but supports him nonetheless. Still, the production strains the couple's marriage.

TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Micransix Crappy film
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
MJB784 I saw the movie Hitchcock and was very disappointed. Hopkins didn't look or sound like Hitch and the whole movie felt casual. The actor playing Anthony Perkins looked most similar to the real actor than anyone else in the film.
Fluke_Skywalker Tonally scattershot, clumsily zipping between frothy comedy, melodrama and... whatever that was with Hitch's imaginary conversations with Ed Gein. It's also a bit thin and lacks true insight. But despite this, it still delivers a (mostly) entertaining, if fantastical, look at Hitchcock making his most iconic film ('Psycho'). Hopkins plays Hitchcock mostly as a caricature, but it works well with the material. Mirren balances this out with a more grounded performance, and a good supporting cast do just that. I can't help but believe with the talent assembled there was a better film in here somewhere, but for what it is, 'Hitchcock' is a decent little cupcake of a movie.
jormatuominen First of all, this is not a biography of Alfred Hitchcock, as some viewers have thought it to be. It's all about the foreigners who came to Hollywood and made game-changing cinema art in spite of desperate and idiotic resistance from the All-American studios and censors. That's what the film is about. The point in case could have been Chaplin, Lang, Forman, Scott, there have been so many. It happens to be Hitchcock and his battle to make Psycho, directed by a another Brit with probably similar experiences. I would compare Hitchcock with another 2012 movie, Spielberg's Lincoln, also often misunderstood as a biographical effort. The problem with chronological biography films is that the viewer usually knows the plot beforehand and has strong feelings about how it should be presented and what actors should look like. Both Hitchcock and Lincoln take a refreshing approach, concentrating on just a few decisive months of their respective careers instead of decades of events. Psycho proceeded from Hitch reading the novel to the release of the film in less than a year. The relationship of Hitch and his wife Alma Reville is revisited in the light of their shared determination to complete the film, so it's more about a working relationship than about a love affair in any remotely normal sense. Anthony Hopkins pulls off his Hitch characterization, which could have been silly in some other context. Helen Mirren really let's loose as Reville, and Scarlett Johansson does her Hitchcock blonde thing so perfectly one cannot but empathize with the old geezer's obsession. I was going to give the film 8 points but I just have to add one more for Ms. Johansson. By the way, I was a small child when Psycho came out, but I remember the scary newspaper ads and all the viewers absolutely flat out refusing to tell the curious what all the fuzz was about and what happens in the film. It was a game changer that changed the film industry for ever back in 1960. Secrets could be kept then.
grantss Good, but not great, telling of the making of the classic movie Psycho, and the relationship between Alfred Hitchcock and his wife at the time. The "making-of" part is the interesting, as you feel like you're seeing a masterpiece in the making. However, like everything in the movie, the film only scratches the surface of the making of Psycho. There is little depth in characters, and what there is feels token. The Hitchcock-wife relationship is interesting at times, but also seems tackled quite shallowly, and even contrived at times.The scenes with Ed Gein were totally unnecessary, and just served as padding. That time could have been better used on developing the main plots.The biggest kudos in the movie must go to Anthony Hopkins, in his performance as Hitchcock, and whoever did the make up to make him look like Hitchcock. Great work. (Though sometimes I think Anthony Hopkins' captures of Hitchcock's mannerisms remind me of Phil Cornwell's impersonation of Michael Caine in Stella Street!).Solid all-star supporting cast: Helen Mirren, Scarlett Johansson, Michael Stuhlbarg, Toni Collette, Jessica Biel, Michael Wincott. Danny Huston is very irritating as Whitfield Cook, but maybe that's the idea.Surely not the definitive Hitchcock bio-drama, but interesting nevertheless.