The Nativity Story
The Nativity Story
PG | 01 December 2006 (USA)
The Nativity Story Trailers

Mary and Joseph make the hard journey to Bethlehem for a blessed event in this retelling of the Nativity story. This meticulously researched and visually lush adaptation of the biblical tale follows the pair on their arduous path to their arrival in a small village, where they find shelter in a quiet manger and Jesus is born.

Bereamic Awesome Movie
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Python Hyena The Nativity Story (2006): Dir: Catherine Hardwicke / Cast: Keisha Castle-Hughes, Oscar Isaac, Alexander Siddig, Shawn Toub, Ciaran Hinds: As with The Passion of the Christ, here is another Biblical account recalling the leading up to the birth of Christ through the virgin Mary and the long journey to Bethlehem where the savior is born. Three wise men follow the bright star with hope in mind but King Herod grows nervous and orders the slaughter of male children. Director Catherine Hardwicke gives great insight into the lives of Joseph and Mary and the task before them. Mary is played wonderfully by Keisha Castle-Hughes of Whale Rider, and she portrays her as loyal to God and humble to others. Oscar Isaac plays Joseph who is disappointed upon learning of Mary's pregnancy until he is addressed by one of God's angels where he learns of God's will and the importance of this child. Alexander Siddig is featured as the angel Gabriel. Ciaran Hinds plays King Herod. Finally we have Shawn Toub who is also featured along with spectacular art direction that makes this among the best of Biblical epics. This film unfortunately did not gain the same blockbuster success that The Passion of the Christ pulled off but it is equally just as well crafted and should appeal to those familiar with the account. Theme regards the hardship surrounding the events of the birth of Christ. Score: 10 / 10
TJMBuddlake When I heard about this movie, my immediate thought was finally a movie about the birth of Christ. No Santa Claus, no trees, or Christmas carols. Its the true story of Christmas. I was amazed that this crew pulled it off and they did it very good. The setting was perfect, the story followed accordingly to the bible scriptures, the acting was good. Kiesha Castle Hughes portrayed Mary very well. She had the character look down pat and she delivered the dialogue with a good sense of passion and grace. Oscar Isaac did a great job portraying Joseph. He had the look down perfectly and capitalized on bringing the true couple of Mary and Joseph to life on the silver screen. Overall, for a movie that portrayed a good bible story was pretty good. I thought it could have been a little better but for a first time attempt to bringing this tale to life, its acceptable.
RameshKhanna A deeply moving movie experience. Slow yes, but then this is not our usual brain numbing mindless action flick. It's about human emotions and inner conflicts, and what a fine way to portray the same on screen.A vastly underrated film that is sure to touch your heart the same way Shawshank Redemption did. A must watch for every serious movie lover and a definite must watch for a devout Christian.Note: I am not a Christian and I still find this movie worthy of a repeat viewing. This movie, like Shawshank Redemption is all about Faith, Hope and Love. ...and believing.I was watching this movie just a little after MIDNIGHT and it was raining heavily with heavy flashes of Lightning and huge/loud rolls of Thunder. This effect enhanced the overall "atmosphere" of my movie watching experience, ...and hard to believe, but the whole rain, lightning & thunder thing stopped as the movie wound to an end :-)
dbdumonteil The nativity story ,told by a woman with taste and sensitivity.Faithful to the gospels,while avoiding most of the Hollywood traps (except for the light that comes down from the sky,in the "Ben Hur" tradition) Much time is given over to the Magi ,but they were scientists after all,and their huge knowledge of astronomy makes sense.All the well-known episodes are featured: the angel telling Mary she would conceive the son of God,the way the Jews used to treat their supposedly unfaithful women,the visit to Mary's cousin Elizabeth who's expecting a baby too (Jesus ' cousin,John The Baptist ;Herode Antipas,featured in the movie ,will have him behead),and the crib.Traditionnaly,however, the Magi did not arrive before the Twelfth Night.It could be the first movie dealing with just the birth of Christ,the many others telling the whole story.You do not have to be a believer to appreciate it.