Letters to God
Letters to God
PG | 09 April 2010 (USA)
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A young boy fighting cancer writes letters to God, touching lives in his neighborhood and inspiring hope among everyone he comes in contact. An unsuspecting substitute postman, with a troubled life of his own, becomes entangled in the boy's journey and his family by reading the letters. They inspire him to seek a better life for himself and his own son he's lost through his alcohol addiction.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Dotsthavesp I wanted to but couldn't!
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
jacob-chiong It is amazing that there are people still showing faith that God's love for His children is as relevant today as it was 2000 years ago. The story demands strong undercurrents of emotion and the actors delivered well. The pace is just right and the flow natural. As the tale unfolds, one begins to realize that letters written to God are received and read by God the moment the letter is written; the physical letter and actual delivery status inconsequential to the spiritual discourse it represents.Go on. Watch this movie and follow the lives of people where a loved one is dying of cancer. Discover how these people overcome bitterness and draw strengths from God in the face of losing a loved one.
Writer_Commentary This movie, adapted from a true story, has more meaning then a lot of the other junk out there. Sure, as a Christian, I may be biased towards liking this movie. But I highly recommend it to anyone who has struggled with faith, doubt, or even cancer. But this movie has a great message that needs to be told. It seems strange, the places they take this movie to, but it is a heartfelt story nonetheless. I should warn you that there are sad parts to it, but there are good parts as well. You may not like the ending, but it is better than most. I would love to own this movie and watch it all the time, even though I don't know where to get a copy. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a very serious drama movie to watch that even Christians can agree on liking. If you aren't one, I still recommend it in case you have ever lost someone close to you in your life, much like the characters do at the end of the movie.
Elizabeth Wylie I do not care that this is a Christian film, it makes no difference whatsoever to the brilliant cinematography and narrative.This film is full of warmth, sadness and explores true emotion. It touches the heart in a way that anyone of any religion (or none at all) can enjoy thoroughly. I am not religious, and I was sceptical at first, but I found that this film explores so much more than religion in ways that I never would have expected. The emphasis on devotion to family is something that should be cherished by all people and this film delivers the true meaning of love and loss, and the fluctuating path life often takes. I found the characters easy to relate to and it opened my eyes to the blessings in my own life.
mesdemoiselles This film did make me cry, but ONLY because my own child is fighting cancer. The acting is terrible, the script is awful. They had a lot of sentences in there stating the facts of living with cancer... most were right. But it felt like they were trying to show that they had done their homework rather than evoke genuine feelings from the actors. The music was so cheesy. This was like a bad b movie without the 80's charm.It's a shame really, because the real story it is based on, is one worth telling.