PG | 26 September 2008 (USA)
Fireproof Trailers

A heroic fire captain values dedication and service to others above all else, but the most important partnership in his life, his marriage, is about to go up in smoke.

Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
Living the Wholesome Life I loved this movie. It is one of change. Change from not keeping the marriage covenant to being faithful.Change from thinking about yourself first to putting others first.It shows the heartache of a marriage that has problems and the heartache of trying to mend those problem. It also shows the joy that can come from love.It shows how destructive lust and infidelity can be to a marriage.There are so many things I love about this movie.**Talking points - Is viewing pornography being unfaithful to your spouse and your marriage? Does selfishness lead to greater selfishness? Does kindness lead to love? Can people change? Can love that is lost be rebuilt? Can trust that is lost be reestablished? What are you doing now that weakens your marriage and makes your marriage vulnerable? What can you do to protect your marriage? What can you do to mend your marriage?
Filipe Neto This film tells how Caleb (Kirk Cameron), a firefighter chief, tried to save his marriage with Catherine (Erin Bethea) through a forty-day challenge proposed by his father, an evangelical Christian. This is just another so-called "Christian film" made by US evangelical Christians to propagandize their ideas. They are very low-budget movies loaded with nasty and incisive religious propaganda, and this film doesn't differ from them, showing how a man without faith can be a terrible husband and how he changes when he embraces Jesus, his only way to save his marriage (and his soul, an implicit and subliminal allusion). The movie says that being a Christian transforms you, that you're good if you're Christian, that you're bad if you're not a Christian, that religion brings moral values ​​that you will not have otherwise. Unfortunately, I know many despicable people who spend their lives in churches or temples (regardless of religion) in a near heretical hypocrisy, so I've lost my innocence about it. Religion preaches moral values ​​but being religious doesn't necessarily mean practicing those values. In fact, they're more easily apprehended in the heart of the family than on a religious temple. So the message of this film, partial and propagandistic, is at the very least too optimistic and unrealistic to be credible. It's an insult to the intelligence of any thinking man who is not fanatically religious. Either way, the suggestions about marriage and how it should be are interesting and valid for anyone, even for an atheist, a civil union or a gay marriage. But it's a film made by religious and these heresy could never be said. The actors performance is painless, the mushy drama around their marriage is boring, predictable and worthy of a soap opera... I need to say more?
YourFamilyExpert WHAT'S FIREPROOF ABOUT? A firefighter with a failing marriage takes a challenge from his father to follow Christ and make changes to save his union.IS IT ANY GOOD? Another solid outing from Sherwood Pictures, the Christian production company behind Facing the Giants and Courageous. Fireproof is a wonderful examination of why marriages succeed or fail, and the roles that humility, forgiveness, and faith in Christ play in keeping relationships strong. Kirk Cameron proves a capable lead as a firefighter in a failing marriage who gradually gives himself to God and words to right the wrongs he's done to win back his wife's heart. A few sketchy moments of acting from supporting players notwithstanding, this is an insightful and virtuous film not to be missed.IS IT OKAY FOR YOUR KIDS? Fireproof is rated PG. A husband struggles with pornography (discussed but not seen); he gets rid of his computer to beat the habit. A woman is tempted to be unfaithful, flirting with a successful doctor. There are some intense moments of a couple arguing.ANY WORTHWHILE MESSAGES? To keep your marriage strong, or to fix it if it's broken, you must be humble, accountable, forgiving, selfless, and kind.
marcellbulow-211-984417 This movie might be one of the most boring and senseless movies I've ever watched. And that it is a Christian movie - I'm a Christian myself, by the way - does not mean that it should not be critiqued. The plot is painfully predictable, and those people who claims that is a realistic and accurate portrayal of how it is to live in an abusive relationship, has quite frankly not any idea of what a real abusive relationship is. (SPOILER) Caleb was not abusive. Yes, he was an egoistic brat, bot abusive? No. He did not hurt Catherine in any way, and Catherine might possibly be the most weak female character I've ever come across in fiction. She does not get what she wants, and her reaction? Senseless, childish crying and wimping. She does not stand up for herself. She does not defend herself. She lets Caleb shout at her, and when he calls her an ungrateful woman - a scene which was unintentionally hilarious because Kirk Cameron just clenched his hands tight to show his anger, and even though he is an unbeliever, he does not utter a cuss or swear word once, which is very very unrealistic - she cries out that she "want's out." She does not even say "I want a divorce." No, just wants out. That scene was just unrealistic, badly acted and more funny and hilarious than tense and serious, which again shows the lack of talent from the Kendricks team. It would be way more realistic and shocking if he said "b**tch" instead of "woman," but oh no, then the movie would just be godless filth condemned straight to hell. Which is why American evangelicals can't make movies, nor should, because they don't even know how to write a good, realistic portrayal of the world in which we live. The couple is not christians, as far as I know, so a cuss word or two would make it far more believable. They act as very devout believers. That's just not believable, and if you think otherwise then frankly you don't have any clue as to how the real world works and are too enclosed in your evangelical Christian bubble to even begin to understand the outside world. What Catherine did was just as bad as Caleb's actions. I mean, she cheats on him by flirting with a doctor? She does not have any feelings left for Caleb, and she does not reciprocate or thank him once, so for what I've seen, I would say he is entitled to be angry at her. He complains in the movie that Catherine does not respect him, and he is right. She does not respect him once! Nor twice! And the fight scenes between the couples is just, God ... That is the most unrealistic representation of marital discourse I have ever seen. I come from a divorced home, and my parents had often fought, and I can assure that it was way more tense and way more harsh than what is represented in this movie. It is too watered down and that destroys the redeeming qualities, because it gets too sugarcoated and unrealistic, and all the scenes which is meant to be taking serious, just falls flat as dumb and childish.This is a great movie for christians already enclosed in their bubble isolated from the rest of the world. But the rest of us demands far higher artistic standards than what this movie has to offer. Don't go see it. It is a waste of both your time and your money.