Eat Locals
Eat Locals
| 06 April 2017 (USA)
Eat Locals Trailers

In a quiet countryside farmhouse, Britain's vampires gather for their once-every-fifty-years meeting. Others will be joining them too; Sebastian Crockett, an unwitting Essex boy who thinks he's on a promise with sexy cougar Vanessa; and a detachment of Special Forces vampire killers who have bitten off more than they can chew. This is certainly going to be a night to remember... and for some of them it will be their last.

Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
aw1963 I really enjoyed this twist from the usual vampyre tales and lets face it,if your looking for comedy horror with a twist,that isn't the same old, same old hollywood trash,you can trust the british to come up with the goods every single time.This offering involves a bunch of vampyre's trapped in a farmhouse in the country side,surrounded by no less than the British army led by a crooked Brigadier,and their fight to escape.Empathy is definatly aimed at the vampyre's here and they successfully gain it from me.The acting is excellent,as would be expected from such a renowned British cast,particular standouts for me were Billy Cook (Sebastion),Tony Curran (as the delightfully evil Peter Boniface) and Annette Crosbie (Alice) as the not so sweet old lady vampyre.The camera work was excellent throughout the film.If you love vamps ,blood and fun then this is definatly a movie to watch more than once.
amanda-7211 We thoroughly enjoyed this film. Perfect viewing when you've had a busy day at the office and you need something easy to take your mind off things & just relax. We were really impressed with the actor who plays the unsuspecting male lead who is drawn into the vampires' lair. Other highlights were the ever-brilliant Dexter Fletcher and Annette Crosby (Mrs Meldrew!!) as an OAP-vampire- vigilante!! We took a punt and watched it with no preconceptions about what we were about to see, glass of wine in hand, ready to be entertained, which we were. So refreshing to see something that a) doesn't feature superheroes and b) doesn't involve an American male single-handedly saving the world. Again.
Mike Nightingale NB, I'm awarding this movie 4 for the inclusion of so many really good actors, actors who as an ensemble cast should have had better parts written for them. My - complete supposition - is that as the director, Jason Fleming, is a well known actor, there was some measure of doing a pal a favour in getting this cast together. Try as it might to get going, this movie, has an identity problem. Is it a comedy? Is it horror? Is it a pastiche of "Famous" movie scenes stuck together?It may have been trying for all three (And perhaps I missed a few other tropes.)Sadly the result misses out on everything. The premise is basically sound - British vampires meet up to discuss new "Membership" - but from there on, story, characterisation, and humour often falls flat. Dexter Fletcher, mostly shines with his comedic efforts, but that just shines a spotlight on the paucity of the writing for the rest of the cast.Probably best observed with friends, playing a drinking game - take a shot every time you say "Oh dear!" to yourself - on the other hand, perhaps not, I wouldn't want to encourage irresponsible drinking!
adonis98-743-186503 In a quiet countryside farmhouse, Britain's vampires gather for their once-every-fifty-years meeting. Others will be joining them too; Sebastian Crockett, an unwitting Essex boy who thinks he's on a promise with sexy cougar Vanessa; and a detachment of Special Forces vampire killers who have bitten off more than they can chew. This is certainly going to be a night to remember... and for some of them it will be their last. Eat Local is another vampire film that contains action, horror and a lot of comedy, you see the only reason why i watched this was because of Charlie Cox who plays Marvel's Daredevil in the Netflix TV Show he also starred in Stardust a film that was quite charming also Tony Curran who played a Vampire in Underworld: Evolution and of course Vincent Regan who starred alongside Gerard Butler in 300 now with an impressive and pretty talented cast like that you would expect that this film might bring a new life to this kind of Vampire Movies or at least be scary or just fun to watch. Eat Local is not just awful in everything but it's also boring, the actors feel like they were reading their lines, the comedy was dumb especially that scene with the Grandma and the gun felt like a Rambo Parody, the movie isn't scary at all and everyone likes to throw some over the top one liner or just say something stupid from time to time. Also like i said the movie is boring it has a very slow pacing and it takes place inside a house with an army of soldiers that have surrounded the area and the family can't escape, overall this was an awful film from script, to direction, to acting and even characters and i'm amazed how it even got a 6.0/10