The Reef
The Reef
R | 15 May 2010 (USA)
The Reef Trailers

A great white shark hunts the crew of a capsized sailboat along the Great Barrier Reef.

Alicia I love this movie so much
ThiefHott Too much of everything
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
ChicRawIdol A brilliant film that helped define a genre
yogsottoth 5.8? This is by far the best shark movie ever made. How dare you? Who rates this anything below 8? You don't know a thing about sharks if you didn't like this. I watch it every year, and I make every new friend I make watch it with me. Haven't met one person who didn't love it. It's realistic, suspenseful and thoroughly engaging. First of all they don't rely on unconvincing cgi and opt for a good old great white. A nice fat one. I love the fact that they used real shark footage. Makes it way scarier.I love they knew a lot about shark behavior. I swam with many a shark and they do indeed shy away from approaching you if you look them in the eye. They are very calculating creatures and sizing prey up by getting closer and more daring is perfect for suspense and realism. Every scene with the shark was like watching it happen in real life. Not a single "Oh come on sharks don't do that." and this film has the unique title of being the only shark film that never makes us say that.They don't make the shark do monster-y things for action. Just regular splashing and straying away from the group and blood loss. All very realistic.The dilemma of staying on the boat and swimming to an island you can't see still gets me to this day. It's a solid problematic premise that delivers a realistic dangerous journey.I love the acting, the characters, the pace, I love every single thing about this movie except three things (being a die hard fan I think I have the right to say it)1- The crack on the hull should have been better. 2- The turtle should have had a big clean bite mark with a chunk of its body missing. Missed opportunity there. 3- The last attack should have been better shotOtherwise I can't rave this movie enough. Especially after seeing the disaster that was The Meg today in cinema. Can people who don't love and respect sharks stop making shark movies please? It really shows. Just like when a director takes on the horror genre and you can just tell he wasn't scared as a kid and doesn't know what's really scary and how a character would react. I believe The Reef's director knows sharks, loves sharks and has a deep seated childhood fear of sharks. It's a classic for me and I'm grateful I have this one perfect shark movie that'll never get old.
quiqueg-94134 First, i think twice before giving 10/10 The moment the two people reaching the island is like an happy end, but a few seconds later it reveals only the female stays safe there. The number of survivors is going down with every attack, but i miss some facts. how far was that island away? How many hours did it take till sunset on the ocean? It is scary to swim across an abyss of mile deep ocean water, and then there is the exhaust of the physical activity. The wounds do look painful. In the wild, an open wound can lead to death without treatment. this is a story from real life which is not overloaded with greenscreen effects like "komodo".
Star Vangelis I first watched this movie on DVD back when it came out in 2010. I watched it with little expectation. There was no hype around the movie. I was very impressed with the story, direction, simplicity and gut wrenching intensity of the movie. Then, recently in 2016, bored over a weekend, I borrowed it again from the DVD store. the new movie, the shallows was due soon, and I decided that a comparison would be great. So, in the second review, I enjoyed the reef even more. The trauma of the individuals in the open ocean faced with the prospect of a great shark stalking them was intense. I felt the sheer terror of the situation, when I imagined myself in that situation...This movie shows us that CGI will never be able to replace a good story, quality direction and honest characterization. The sharks were all real. The ocean and reef footage was well shot and very beautiful. The Australian accent was unpretentious, and the movie goer is quickly able to relate.Ahh... the fist sighting of the Great White, a ghost, just barely visible in the distance, in the deep blue. Yes, its just a faint silhouette, but my goodness, so imposing, the threat immense, the impending fate, totally terrifying.If you have not seen this movie, it is a must watch for shark movie lovers. Enjoy!
santiagocii This movie is just an insult. Period 1. There is no chance you will be in a boat without an emergency raft. These idiots capsized and all of the sudden.. they are screwed in the middle of open waters with no emergency plan. There is an inflatable raft (with oars) and a beacon in any stupid sailing boat out there. 2. There is no chance than a sailing boat will sail in the middle of nowhere without knowing it cannot communicate and send at least a distress signal. If you do, then you are really a Yatchmaster overly confident and quite silly at the same time. 3. The same shark will not attack three people!!! yes, you will be eaten by a shark but once the animal has fed it is very likely it will go away. Now, the blood could attract OTHER sharks, that's a different deal but the truth is white sharks do travel alone and once a shark ate "a person" it will not hunt for other three idiots. 4. Everyone dumb enough knows that the last thing you should do in front of sharks is paddling!!! as they are almost blind and what attracts them is movement. 5. The guy said: the island is approx 10 miles away... these idiots were swimming at 1mph in the movie (at most!). That means that with a bit of current in your favour (completely not accounted for by these morons) it will take you at least 10 hours in the water. (that means they jumped into the sea to spend the night at the sea!!!??? (are you stupid??) even if you don't get eaten by sharks you should die for being so stupid. Secondly, hypothermia? do you think you could spend 10 hours non-stop in open sea waters and not die there?This movie is totally an insult, I TRULY DOUBT that what was shown is even 5% of the actual events. a DISASTER!!!!