PG-13 | 30 September 2011 (USA)
Courageous Trailers

Law enforcement officers Adam Mitchell, Nathan Hayes, and their partners stand up to the worst the streets have to offer with confidence and focus. Yet at the end of the day, they face a challenge that none of them are truly prepared to tackle: fatherhood. They know that God desires to turn the hearts of fathers to their children, but their children are beginning to drift further and further away from them. When tragedy hits home, these men are left wrestling with their hopes, their fears, their faith, and their fathering. Can a newfound urgency help these dads draw closer to God... and to their children?

Pluskylang Great Film overall
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Shamoon Mirza 20 tips to make your Marriage successful 1. Trust, help each other, be good and stay positive. 2. Please your spouse and make him/her feel special always. 3. Be humorous, playful, helpful, respectful and entertaining. 4. Never bring your past mistakes in your today. 5. Encourage and give hope to your spouse. 6. Do not compare each other even for tiny things. 7. Surprise your spouse with something new. 8. Spend time together as much as you can. 9. Get ready for your spouse as they want you to get ready and look beautiful always. 10. Listen carefully and obey sincerely. 11. Avoid fighting, ignoring, lying, doubting, misbehaving and getting angry. 12. Be open and discuss your problems/ worries to your spouse. 13. If one of you is angry, the other should be quiet. 14. Don't argue. Simply say 'Sorry' whether it's your mistake or not. 15. Always make Pray to make your marriage successful and your relationship/ bond strong. 16. Always be thankful to your spouse. 17. Say 'I love you' to your spouse everyday. 18. Understand each other. 19. Make eye contact while speaking. 20. Eat together, be together and pray together.
alex rider What could have been a good movie, with a good enough plot/story, good actors and even some good ideas really went downhill at some point. Having a message, a lot of "godly" presence is one thing and can be a good one. But having over half of the movie be about god here and god there, is too much. A good message has to be subtle enough that the viewer doesn't feel like he's being hit over the head again and again with it and being brainwashed. Especially when the summary doesn't say a thing about this movie turning out to be like a church sermon. Definitely not what you'd expect to be watching. So in a nutshell, i wish it had been the same plot but with less preachy stuff.
Hillary Lantzy The first 10 minutes I really enjoyed, but it all went down hill from there. This was the first Kendrick Brothers film I have seen, I didn't know what I was getting myself into. It slyly passed itself as a regular run-of-the- mill drama but in all reality it is nothing more than a Christian movie...too preachy and predictable. The acting and screenplay wasn't the biggest problem I had. Let me first say again the car jacking in the beginning was fantastic, but after that, the acting was too stiff and forced, robotic like. Secondly, how stereotypical for their Mexican- American friend to be a poor construction worker with a thick Spanglish accent. And also that youths are bad because they don't have fathers...plenty of "thugs" had fathers, get over yourselves. Third, from what I understand of Christianity, the Christian god is not a genie, the film (along with other Kendrick Brothers I've seen after this) portrays their god like such: "If I pray, God will give me this." No, that's not how the real world works, if you want something work for it. The movie has an unrealistic approach, right down to the dialog. Though I am not religious, I wanted to like this film for its potential, but I couldn't bring myself to liking it. You either love the message of the movie or it is nails on a chalkboard.
tdeb007-975-136286 This movie was doing so well.I was putting up with the religious undertones, but the ending just went way over the top! I certainly wasn't expecting, nor did I appreciate, the preaching at the viewer in the end.It was totally unnecessary, and brought my score from a 9, to barely a 3.People behind this film should remove the cult-like rantings.If they ever want to make real money.And if you think that any publicity is good publicity, ttrust me, in this case.There is no way known that I could, or would, ever recommend this movie to anyone.
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