THX 1138
THX 1138
R | 11 March 1971 (USA)
THX 1138 Trailers

People in the future live in a totalitarian society. A technician named THX 1138 lives a mundane life between work and taking a controlled consumption of drugs that the government uses to make puppets out of people. As THX is without drugs for the first time he has feelings for a woman and they start a secret relationship.

Gurlyndrobb While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
marcosferatu From nowhere to nowhere. but maggie mcomie is a muse...
hosh-483-650984 The film starts us off in the very up world of Buck Rogers and then transitions immediately into the horror of the THX 1138 future - a brilliant contrast.I always think of the Bob Seger song "I feel like a number" when I watch this movie. A must see for all sci-fi or horror lovers and a fascinating debut for Lucas.This is a forerunner to the Terminator movies.Considering filming began back in 1969, the special effects and cars are literally out of this world. This movie could have been made yesterday - truly ahead of it's time and a real sign of things to come from Lucas.This is what happens when all the bleeding heart victims of the world get power and enforce fanatical anti violent doctrine on the then zombie masses.A cautionary tale!Like all good movies, this one takes you out of your daily life and into the gloomy world of THX 1138 - awesome.
Michael_Elliott THX 1138 (1971) ** (out of 4)Set in the future, George Lucas' feature-length debut as director tells the story of a man (RObert Duvall) and woman (Maggie McOmie) who decide to rebel against the rules of not experiencing love/sex. The two of them stop taking the drugs that they're supposed to take and set off to do what they want.THX 1138 is the type of movie I respect more than I actually enjoyed watching it. It's pretty clear from watching this that Lucas certainly had a talented eye as it's rather amazing what he was able to do with such a small budget. With that said, as much as I enjoyed certain aspects of this film, at the same time I'm not going to lie because it bored me pretty bad.On a visual level THX 1138 is quite amazing because you really do get the feeling that you're viewing something set in the future. The sets certainly give you a futuristic feel and there's no doubt that Lucas manages to build up a very thick atmosphere. I really liked the look of the film as well and especially how most of the film is done in long shots.I'd also say that Duvall and McOmie are very good in the lead roles and that Donald Pleasance is also very good. The cinematography is top-notch and there's no doubt that Lucas made a very believable and good looking film. Still, there's really no connection I had to the characters or the story, which is what made the film rather boring to get through.
Python Hyena THX 1138 (1971): Dir: George Lucas / Cast: Robert Duvall, Donald Pleasence, Maggie McOmie, Don Pedro Colley, Ian Wolfe: Stunning masterpiece set in the 25th century. Futuristic film regards the identity of the hero, reducing people to physical structures. Digits replace personality and brands people as products. Mankind exists in underground cities patrolled by robots with humans controlled by drugs that cease passion. Reduction introduces intimacy and a need to escape. Impressive debut by director George Lucas with astonishing visuals and art direction, plus an effective use of sound. Superb performance by Robert Duvall who seeks to escape the slavery of mind control and reintroduce passion into life. Maggie McOmie gets involved with him sexually, which is rediscovered and treasured. Donald Pleasence counsels Duvall and together discuss their state and the potential for opportunity. Don Pedro Colley plays a hologram that is featured throughout. Other roles are not very broad or at least lose focus to the visual elements. With its exquisite art direction and visual appeal one could easily compare it to 2001: A Space Odyssey but Lucas takes it a step further with broader characters and a stronger sense of purpose. It symbolizes the unfulfilling relationship between people and objects with our need for intimacy, purpose, and individuality. Score: 9 ½ / 10