...First Do No Harm
...First Do No Harm
PG-13 | 16 February 1997 (USA)
...First Do No Harm Trailers

When Lori Reimuller learns that her young son Robbie has epilepsy, she first trusts the judgment of the hospital staff in how best to bring it under control. As Robbie's health slides radically downhill, however, she becomes frustrated and desperate, and so does her own research into the existing literature on treatments. When she decides to try an alternative treatment called the Ketogenic Diet, devised long ago by a doctor from Johns Hopkins, she is met with narrow-minded resistance from Robbie's doctor, who is prepared to take legal action to prevent Lori from removing him from the hospital.

Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Matylda Swan It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
OllieSuave-007 This is one of those feel-good TV dramas that will probably tug at your heart strings. It stars Meryl Streep as Lori Reimuller, whose young son Robbie (Seth Atkins) is being treated at a hospital for epilepsy. But, not satisfied with the care his doctor is giving Robbie, Lori pursues her own form of treatment for her son, attempting an alternative treatment called the Ketogenic Diet.This movie generated some emotion as I watch Lori care for her son. It reminds me of the hurdles and obstacles a family goes through in life at times and how a parent's love for his/her child is unconditional. The acting by the cast of characters really delivered in making this movie engaging.I am not a real hardcore fan of drama, as the plots really go at a slow pace at times, as evident somewhat in this movie. However, the heart-warming and courageous scenes of Lori dealing with the medical system while trying to address family issues made it an intriguing movie overall.Grade B+
disdressed12 as this movie starts,a voice comes on as wells the words,saying that although his story is fictionalized,it is inspired by a true story.it's all bout how the medical community is unwilling to think outside the box when it comes to alternative treatments for sick people,that they don't approve of. one family learns this the hard way,when their young son is struck ill,and despite not getting better in hospital,the doctors want to continue to try treatments that don't work.this movie is heart wrenching at times,and frustrating.Meryl Streep and Fred Ward star as the parents who are running out of options for their son and are at their wits end.Streep and Ward both are great here.Allison Janney(The West Wing)also puts in a good performance. too be fair,not everyone in the medical establishment is unwilling to think out of the box,and the movie shows this as well.for me,First do no Harm is a 7/10
Paige Streep I really enjoy watching Meryl Streep in everyone of her movies. She is by far a very talented actress and one that only comes around once in a generation. This movie is so moving. Seth Adkins, who plays the ill child, is also very talented. He is shockingly believable as a child with epilepsy, especially for a kid his age. This movie will definitely make you think twice about how well you have it. You will fall in love with the character of Robby and feel the pain his family has to go through. During the hardships they face. Everyone who watches this movie will most likely think twice about epilepsy and not think of it as a small disease. I had know idea that it was so serious or that there was a cure to stop the ceasars.
Deb. Although this film is a bit heavy-handed in its efforts to promote the Ketogenic diet as an alternative treatment for epilepsy, it does address many of the issues that face families when a member is diagnosed with serious illness. In addition, Seth Adkins (who has since portrayed Pinocchio in the TV movie "Geppeto") does an absolutely amazing job of portraying several different types of seizure, a feat which would be remarkable even for an adult. A very watchable flick.