American Graffiti
American Graffiti
PG | 11 August 1973 (USA)
American Graffiti Trailers

A couple of high school graduates spend one final night cruising the strip with their buddies before they go off to college.

Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Red-Barracuda It's the summer 1962 in a small town in California and one evening we spend time following various teenagers on the brink of adulthood. There's a college-bound young guy with doubts if he wants to leave, there's a nerd who gets a date with a blonde fox, there's a drag racer who gets lumbered with a thirteen-year-old girl and all the while a DJ called Wolfman Jack plays music throughout the night on the local radio. There are street gangs with logo'd leather jackets, waitresses on roller-skates and continual car cruising. There's no real plot, it's all about a moment in time. When it was released in 1973 it told of a time a decade in the past but it truly seemed like an aeon away on account of the transition of the counter-cultural 60's when everything changed so dramatically and radically, meaning that the early 60's pre-Vietnam small town America seemed like an alien landscape but one with more innocence and clearly one that held much appeal in the cynical landscape of 70's America.Produced by Francis Ford Coppola, this was a breakthrough film for his friend George Lucas who directed it. It was more accessible than his previous left-field sci-fi movie THX1138 (1971) and it was the film he made before the ultimate blockbuster Star Wars (1977) which changed cinema forever. American Graffiti shows the capability of Lucas and proves he could make very human stories. It's not always the most engaging film due to its lack of plot, it works more as an atmospheric period piece, helped greatly by its rock-n-roll soundtrack which plays continually in the background. It's a coming-of-age teen movie and one that definitely is on the more intelligent side of the spectrum of that particular sub-genre.
grantss Good human drama. Looks at the lives of several American teenagers on one night in 1962, as their lives are about to change forever. Fills you with nostalgia for your own teenage years, when things were simpler and everything was ahead of you.Good plot, though has some random detours that go nowhere. Great performances from a then-unknown cast. Many of these unknown actors are now very well known: Richard Dreyfuss, Ron Howard, Harrison Ford.Superb soundtrack. The 50s music adds a lot to the nostalgia and general feel of the movie.Solid direction from George Lucas. Yeah, who knew that he used to make dramas? Unfortunately, his next movie was Star Wars, and the good dramas ended, as he stuck to making sci fi-for-the-masses.
Pj Johnson My thoughts on American Graffiti- The plot was unclear at times but they all had a common goal to have one last great night before some of them go off to college. That drove the great acting and dialogue. The aspect that made this movie unique is the character's relationships undergoing during the whole movie. The underlying message in this movie adds a better outlook on it, the movie is set in 1962 when America was innocent like the teenagers and when JFK died America lost their innocence. Just like the teenagers will when they go off to college. I believe it is a fantastic movie, this was George Lucas's first movie and what a great first mark on the film industry!
Irishchatter I decided to watch this film because people I know have seen this film and absolutely thought it was outstanding. Mine will be a different story! I honestly didn't like it because I thought the storyline was a lot out of place and there was really too many characters to be concentrating on regarding their problems. Very confusing for a very popular 80's movie to be honest!The only thing I liked about it was the cars were just so fashionable, it's just too bad that this movie sucked for me! Luckily I only watched 44 minutes of it and not the whole movie! I would consider this the worst film ever!