Never Cry Werewolf
Never Cry Werewolf
PG-13 | 11 May 2008 (USA)
Never Cry Werewolf Trailers

Loren doesn't like her new neighbor, Jared, or his vicious dog. Along with her friend Steven, Loren spies on Jared and begins to suspect he's a werewolf, responsible for a rash of disappearances. But Jared is watching her just as closely because Loren reminds him of his dead wife. As a full-moon night nears, Loren enlists the help of TV star Redd Tucker, who knows how to hunt -- and who believes her werewolf theory.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Rexanne It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Wuchak I don't get the lukewarm reviews as "Never Cry Werewolf" (2008) is a worthy addition to the werewolf genre. Yes, it rips-off the plot of a popular film from two decades earlier, "Fright Night" and, yes, it is a made-for-TV flick, but despite these factors it delivers as a half-serious/half-comedy werewolf flick.PLOT: A mysterious man (Peter Stebbings) moves in next door to teenager Loren (Nina Dobrev) and she concludes that he's a werewolf. Of course, no one believes her so she enlists the help of a washed-up reality show actor (Kevin Sorbo).Like I said, "Never Cry Werewolf" only plays it semi-straight, so don't expect the dead-serious vibe of, say, "wolfen" or even "Red Riding Hood." Stebbings is reminiscent of Hugh Jackman's Wolverine here and is excellent in the role. But he's clearly at least 36 years-old and so it's a bit disturbing that he's literally sniffing around a 16 year-old girl.Nina is good as the protagonist and has a cute look, but I prefer her friend in the story, Angie, played by Melanie Leishman. Melanie may not be as cute but she has better curves. In any event, her role is too small.As always, Sorbo is extremely likable. He plays a reluctant hero in this one.The film was shot in Brantford & Hamilton, Ontario, and runs 87 minutes.FINAL WORD: Although "Never Cry Werewolf" loses points for blatantly ripping off "Fright Night," the bottom line is that it's entertaining from beginning to end. The werewolf lore is sound and the cast is solid. In addition, the werewolf looks menacing and there's a lot of goofy gore. It's just a fun film. What more do you want from a low-budget werewolf flick? GRADE: B-
ebiros2 There're gruesome killing going around, and a girl suspects that her next door neighbor is a werewolf.Loren (Nina Dovrev) suspects that her next door neighbor is a werewolf, and is responsible for all the killing that going around. He has a dog that's also a werewolf. Loren goes shopping for a crossbow to protect herself with her self proclaimed boyfriend. At the store Redd, an ex TV host/adventure hunter is giving a seminar. Loren's next door neighbor's dog turns into a werewolf in the store, and her boyfriend gets bitten by the werewolf, and turns into werewolf himself. If the original werewolf is killed before midnight, the curse will be undone, and her boyfriend will turn back to normal. Will Loren and Redd be able to pull this off ?The plot is simple, but with some good special effects, and comedy, this movie keeps the audience interested to the end. Kevin Sorbo who played Hercules appears as the hunter. Not particularly a masterpiece, but not a bad production either. It's a solid middle of the road horror adventure comedy that can stand on its own. Nina Dovrev puts in a great performance as the main character. It's better than many werewolf movies than those made in the past, and worth seeing.
Paul Andrews Never Cry Werewolf starts as the hunky Jared Martin (Peter Stebbings) moves into the house next door to teenager Loren Hansett (Nina Dobrey), at first he seems OK but while watching him through a telescope in her room Loren sees Jared kill a prostitute who is reported missing the following day. Slowly Loren comes to believe that Jared is a Werewolf, he has hairy palms & has a big black killer Dog for instance but no-one will believe her. Not her family, not her friend Angie (Melanie Leishman) & neither do the cops. Loren has to go it alone when it becomes clear that Jared thinks she is his dead lover Melissa as the two happen to look exactly the same. Jared kidnaps Loren's brother Kyle (Spencer Van Wyck) in a plan to get Loren to come to him so he can turn her into a Werewolf but Loren arms herself with a crossbow & decides to fight back in order to save herself, her brother, her friends & her town...This Canadian production was apparently called School Girl vs Wolfman in Japan & had the working title The House Next Door during production this was executive produced & directed by Brenton Spencer who clearly had little ambition other than to make a Fright Night (1985) rip-off, sure the twist here in Never Cry Werewolf is that it changes the menace from a Vampire to a Werewolf but other than that the two are strikingly similar with a little bit of Disturbia (2008) thrown into the mix. There's the teenager who comes to believe they are living next to some monster, here a Werewolf rather than Vampire but the premise exactly the same. No-one will believe said teenager, from friends & family to the authorities. Teenager turns to washed up late night cable TV host has-been, a horror show host in Fight Night while here it's a failed big game hunter but it basically the same in both films. Teenager decides to go it alone in both films & arms themselves with various homemade weapons to kill monster on it's own turf as monster threatens their friends &/or family, look Never Cry Werewolf is basically Fright Night. Period. The script doesn't take itself too seriously & to be fair to Never Cry Werewolf it's watchable & moves along at a decent pace, the character's are likable enough & while it's short on gore & effects I suspect that was down to the budget.Despite being a nearly invincible Werewolf this film suggest Jared has a fierce Devil Dog thing protect him, it seems a Werewolf a can change whenever they want if they have a charm made out of the skin from the neck of a convicted criminal for no apparent reason & Jared is afraid of a cigarette lighter. The special effects are cheap, the Werewolf effects are of the man in a hairy suit variety & the editing is poor as it's obvious the suit wasn't very good or didn't work properly. The CGI effects are alright, the mutant Dog is OK but nothing amazing & it does still look just like a computer effect. The gore is restrained, there's some blood splatter, an exploding Dog & the Wrewolf puts it claw through someones body but otherwise it's pretty dry. There's attempts at humour, tension & scare which are mildly effective I suppose.Filmed in Ontario in Canada this premiered on SyFy & then went to DVD, Never Cry Werewolf is better than the usual direct to video fare but could hardly be called great. The acting is alright, Nin Dobrey is cute for sure & she tries, Kevin Sorbo is fun while Peter Stebbings feels a little young for the role of the main villain.Never Cry Werewolf is an OK film actually, it's watchable enough & even quite fun on it's own merits at times but it is a straight rip-off of Fright Night with a little bit of Disturbia thrown in. Passable but not much more.
slayrrr666 "Never Cry Werewolf" is a really nice and impressive werewolf film with a few nice surprises.**SPOILERS**Moving into the neighborhood, Jared Martin, (Peter Stebblings) meets up with Loren Hansett, (Nina Dobrey) and her brother Kyle, (Spencer Van Wyck) who welcome him into the neighborhood. Although everyone else around her takes an instant shine to him, she has a nagging feeling about him that she thinks isn't right. The more she watches him across the house, the more she thinks he's a werewolf but despite going online for help, no one believes her story. After getting his friend Steven Kepkie, (Sean O'Neill) onto her side, a confrontation at a hardware store manages to get the attention of Redd Tucker, (Kevin Sorbo) the host of a local hunting show to believe her as well, and realizing that all of their actions have provoked the beasts' fury, they try to put an end to it's rampage before he takes them all out.The Good News: This was a relatively fun and enjoyable werewolf film. That the beginning of the film is so fun is due to the fact that it's strongly set-up by a fantastic story. This one builds up a really nice and effective mystery with many different kinds of great moves. The film decides to have the revelation come early in the story and that propels long segments devoted to the mystery, actually getting time to do something about it and responds with some great scenes. From the scenes of her spying from a distance, which are pretty creepy as they actually run with her seeing the killings first before doing the normal ones where he does nothing, allowing the film to run with the fantastic notion of her looking through history, from the internet, movies and books and trying to match what has been learned on the actual events, which is fun and quite interesting. The film's really deliberate pacing also produces the fact, and with a couple horror scenes spread throughout the plot allow it to use them in building up the mystery. Some of them, consisting of attacks that are witnessed from afar, are quite well with the several on the prostitutes early on being really good, and once it moves away, either out into the neighborhood or to the hardware store, it doesn't get worse with some top-notch action displayed in both scenes. The hardware store encounter is really fun since it comes with a better revelation than could've hoped for, a really tense stalking scene and some really helpful gore thrown in. It's all apart of the film's best part, it's last half-hour. This is really great, packed with action and fun confrontations, a couple moments of suspense and some more bloodshed thrown in. The rest of the gore in here is not bad either, as there's a clawed hand punched through a stomach from behind, slashed across the stomach, chest, neck and face, bites on the arms and shoulders and a complete meltdown to skin and bones, plus the wonderfully gory way that the lead werewolf is taken out in. The last bit here that works is the werewolf design, suggesting a powerful, intimidating creature with a massive build, large claws, huge fangs and a really memorable-looking snout, giving it more of wolf-like look than most other designs. It's really one of the best ones ever, and should've been shown off more. These here are the film's best points.The Bad News: This one here doesn't have too many flaws to it. The most pressing, but not-detrimental case against this one is the fact that the beginning of this is played out straight from other films nearly verbatim, and the fact that it's done in such a way allows it to be so obvious that it's ripping them off is something that will put some off. The fact that the film decides to hold off the werewolf until the end is something that is a crime, since the design is so great and memorable, that not being able to see it during the film is a real shame. This, of course, is due to the film's biggest flaw, the slow-building mystery. Because it's so strong and well-thought-out, it has to have a lot to be able to get all of it out to the audience and that means that most of the beginning half of the film is merely exposition. It can get dull since its about the mystery and gathering evidence, and the amount of time doing so is where the lesser time with the werewolf comes from, since it's so great and really deserved to be featured more. The longer build-up also forces the film into less, and shorter, action scenes as well. There isn't a whole lot of confronting the werewolf in here, and the few encounters, up until the ending at least, are all quite shorter than they should be, and are should've been dragged out a little more. These here are all that the film does wrong.The Final Verdict: A fairly fun werewolf entry, with a fun story and a bunch of good parts to it that makes it rather interesting. Give it a shot if you can get over the similarities or are in the mood for a rather fun and light-hearted werewolf romp, otherwise stick to the others in the genre for a more-traditional werewolf fix.Rated R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language and Brief Nudity