An American Werewolf in Paris
An American Werewolf in Paris
R | 25 December 1997 (USA)
An American Werewolf in Paris Trailers

An American man unwittingly gets involved with werewolves who have developed a serum allowing them to transform at will.

SunnyHello Nice effects though.
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
tanzanite46 There have been few films that I have really wanted to see a follow-up to, but A W in L was one. It combined terror with humour and at the end of the film - great sadness. A real masterpiece with great music and photography. This follow-up was frankly garbage and I was ready to switch off within 20 mins of the start.
Stevieboy666 Three American guys are on vacation in Paris when one meets & falls in love with the daughter from AAWIL. Needless to say she is a werewolf & he becomes one too. Whereas AAWIL was a perfect blend of horror & humour this one leans very much into comedy but with mixed results. Some of it is silly slapstick (the scene on the Eiffel Tower) which often doesn't work, but then there are hilarious scenes too, such as the condom in the cafe gag. The special effects also vary from being reasonable (his 2 undead friends) to awful. The werewolves themselves look my like hairy, wild cavemen. The creatures from Howling 3 were more convincing! The characters are all likeable & there are some great Paris locations (also filmed in Luxembourg). The idea of the creatures being able to turn by injecting a 10ml serum is also an interesting spin. But overall the film is silly & disappointing, nothing more than a cash in on one of the greatest horror movies ever made.
Armand the only problem is the absence of its genre. is it a comedy ? a horror ? a form of publicity for Paris ? an uninspired remake? clear, that it is a great mystery. in essence, it is only a kind of joke. nice in few scenes, hilarious in others, who has not sense and, maybe, not script, chain of chaotic events without reason. Julie Delpy looks for right manner to solve the appearances. Tom Everett Scott is more confuse than the viewer. and the werewolves are only sketches. a horror for fun. that could be all. except the ideas about better solutions for a project who has not chance to convince. result - not exactly a bad movie but only waste of time.
Neil Welch 1981's An American Werewolf in London was, on its own terms, a great success - a clever concept served by an effective script which kept its horror and comedic elements in perfect balance, an excellent cast performing well, assisted by highly effective physical effects in a story with great heart.One need say no more about this ill-considered and ridiculously belated follow-up than to note that it is an idiotic concept doomed by a clodhopping script which renders its horror elements ineffective by burying them under misplaced and unfunny humour, a so-so cast doing their best with inadequate material, hamstrung by stunningly bad CGI effects in a story with a complete absence of any emotional weight.