That Darn Cat
That Darn Cat
PG | 14 February 1997 (USA)
That Darn Cat Trailers

While making his nightly rounds in the neighborhood, Patti's pet cat D.C. finds himself the carrier of a call for help from a kidnap victim. Patti enlists skeptical law enforcement help to find the victim before it's too late.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
michaeljocallaghan I switched on the TV and started watching this movie part way through. I found it so funny I wanted to find out more. Its style of humour makes jokes in quite a sophisticated way, assuming the audience is smart and paying attention. From the reviews I have read I think very few critics were paying attention. I loved the way the movie takes sideswipes at American society, rich people and the not so rich.I have been the barrage of negative criticism from professional critics and viewers. It's a mystery to me. Brilliant cast. Brilliant writing. How did they get the cat to act like that?
TheLittleSongbird The main reason why I wanted to see this movie remake was because of Christina Ricci who I loved in Casper and the two Addams Family movies. While she was decent in the title role, although her character is pretty bratty and unlikeable, the cat is cute and Doug E.Doug brings a touch of class to Zeke, the whole film could have been much better. Other than Ricci and Jones, the remainder of the cast are unexceptional and that for me was a disappointment as I like Michael McKean, he is very talented, as was Peter Boyle. The cinematography and scenery from decent to adequate, but the real problems were in the story and the script. The story is very predictable, and there are parts where it drags very badly. The script is also very weak, lacking in a lot of areas, and I did feel the music was not that great either. The length is just right, but with such pedestrian pacing it feels twice as long sometimes. Also there is nothing new from the original, which was very entertaining otherwise unexceptional. Overall, watchable but disappointing. 4/10 Bethany Cox
moonspinner55 An abomination. Disney's remake of their own 1965 slapstick classic concerns a clever feline leading an F.B.I. agent to a kidnapped woman. Christina Ricci gives a churlish, let-me-outta-here performance as the cat's owner, while the the fed is played embarrassingly over-the-top by Doug E. Doug, who has been directed to resemble a human cartoon. A pair of rich neurotics (Dyan Cannon and original "Cat" cast member Dean Jones) are amusing, and the formula plot still has a little juice left in it; but the handling here is so heavy and lugubrious--and the cat so dull and lifeless--that the whole project feels dog-tired. NO STARS from ****
Coventry Disney Productions…I don't suppose I'm still a part of their target group, but I am complete Christina Ricci target group on my own! That was pretty much the only reason for me to see this film, since I'm not that interested in a cat ‘s adventures… The film is a remake of a 1965 film with the same name, also produced by the Disney Studio's. Christina is an angry and introvert teenage girl – Patti - who's loathes the boring, little town she's living in. Her mother is vain and super-polite, she has no friends and the only one she feels some affection for is her cat, J.D. This cat `witnesses' a kidnapping during one of her nightly escapades and Patti alarms the goofy FBI Agent Zeke (Doug E. Doug). The film causes a surprisingly big amount of chuckles, since the little town and its inhabitants are so wondrously stereotypical. The grand finale – which involves a boisterous car chase through the town – will certainly impress and please the younger viewers. Some overall good acting as well. First and foremost by the lovely Christina Ricci, but also by a few familiar and respected side characters like George Dzundza (Basic Instinct), Peter Boyle (F.I.S.T) and Michael McKean (Airheads)… Doug E. Doug simply has to act like a Eddie Murphy or Chris Rock clone but he's pretty good in doing so. That Darn Cat is warmly recommend fun for young families and animal lovers.