Journey 2: The Mysterious Island
Journey 2: The Mysterious Island
PG | 10 February 2012 (USA)
Journey 2: The Mysterious Island Trailers

Sean Anderson partners with his mom's boyfriend on a mission to find his grandfather, who is thought to be missing on a mythical island.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Cebalord Very best movie i ever watch
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
tstudstrup Michael Caine is in this movie. If you hate him as much as I do, you dont have to read any further. But if that doesnt stop you the following will. A forgettable sequel to the forgettable Journey to the center of the earth with Brendan Fraser. A guy I miss in movies these days, this time replaced by the otherwise good Dwayne Johnson. As out of place here as his grotesque body that make Arnold Schwarzenegger look puny in comparison. And hearing him say heck several times, because this a kids movie, just feels wrong. He needs to stick to do actionmovies for an older audience. Worst moment is when he takes out that tiny guitar (that hottie Vanessa Hudgens carry around for most of the movie for no reason at all) and he starts to sing/play his own version of "What a wonderful world". And he does so because Sean (ineptly played by the awful actor Josh Hutcherson) is in physical pain and they have no painkillers. This is an actual scene. The cgi is bad in many scenes. Including a scene where Sean falls of a giant bee and instead of having a stuntman do the fall, they replace him with a fake looking cgi-Sean defying the laws of physics, as he tumbles forward after falling. Also the actress Anna Colwell is credited but never appears in the movie. What the hell?? Almost as bad as Indiana Jones 4. But with a much smaller budget.
Filipe Neto This movie tries to adapt to the cinema the sci-fi novel "The Mysterious Island" by Jules Verne and, at the same time, be a worthy sequel to the movie "Journey to the Center of the Earth". However, despite assuming itself as a sequel, is also renewed in that both actors and characters, as well as technical team, director and screenwriters are different from the previous one. Only Josh Hutcherson remained, repeating his character but without mention of what happened to him before. Its a sequel that makes a new beginning, not properly a continuation, although its evident that everything happens after the facts occurred in the first film. The story is also brand new, but there are a number of similarities to the previous film. As before, it revolves around Verne's literature, assuming that its real, not just fiction. And just like in the first film, two guys (one of them with problems of teenage rebellion) will face the adventure next to an attractive beauty (do feminists, who are always criticizing everything, do not think this is misogynist?). The script, however, is also woefully similar to that of "Journey to the Center of the Earth," not having been able to correct it's errors: basic and far-fetched, it's full of clichés and runs over science in favor of dramatic effect. Here too there is a lot of silly and unbelievable things. Cinematography is good and the fast pace that the action takes, coupled with its short lenght, helps to make it enjoyable. In summary, it's a light and funny adventure movie with a painful plot that we easily forget.If in the first movie most of the actors were, for me, perfect strangers, it does not feel so obvious here. Josh Hutcherson retained his role, as I mentioned, and is joined by Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson who, surprisingly, showed some dramatic ability in the role of an overprotective stepfather (although his image still remains, at least for me, too clingy to a lot of muscles, gross as a rock). This actor is clearly trying to do the same path that Arnold Schwarzenegger did in the 1990s, humanizing his image and seeking to move away from the label of "Mister Muscle of Hollywood". Vanessa Hudgens is the sexy girl of the movie with an idiot father (Luis Guzmán) who are reserved the strangest jokes in the film. Finally, a note of merit for Michael Caine, a veteran always up to any role.
zkonedog Because of the way that Pixar blurred the boundaries of adult vs. children's movies beginning with the "Toy Story" franchise, it is difficult to rate kiddie fare in this day and age. In the case of "Journey 2", however, the verdict is quite clear: The kids will sit through this one, while the adults will be looking at their watches or hitting the concession stand.For a basic plot summary, "Journey 2" sees young adventurer Sean (Josh Hutcherson) and his step-dad Hank (Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson) travel to the Mysterious Island foretold by Jules Verne. While on their way to rescue Sean's grandfather Alexander (Michael Caine), the pair is accompanied by a comedic-relief airplane pilot (Luis Guzman) and his beautiful young daughter (Vanessa Hudgens).There are some things that this film does get right: It most definitely covers all its bases. Young boys will love Hudgens, Johnson has pretty much a universal appeal now, and adults will smile to themselves at the presence of Caine. The cringe-worthy comedy from Guzman is even well- done...when aimed at the kiddies, of course. Plus, the visuals are stunning and the whole island adventure is magical.The trouble, of course, is that there is no plot development and only forced character growth. In this way, it is very much geared for the minds of children. Everything is predictable, and the characters act exactly as expected throughout. Even the sappy message at the heart of the film is geared for the young minds.Thus, from an "adult" point of view, I would struggle to give this film two stars. From the eyes of a child, however, there would be much more enjoyment (if not touching Pixar's level or anything like that, of course). As such, this is a "middle-of-the-road" 3-star experience. The visuals are nice and some of the characters are fun initially, but enjoying it any further requires a childhood perspective.
barrisambaris It took me three days to finish this movie and if not for the fact that I was bored out of my mind I wouldn't have watched it past the first twenty minutes. I was bored yet I would pause it for hours, why, because it was a lot more boring than my own boredom and only succeeded in adding to my frustration. The story line is bogged, and the acting mediocre. The only redeemable feature was the CGI used. Nice graphics. But even that didn't last long as the island was doomed to sink. The actors tried too hard to be funny or mad. I couldn't understand the animosity between Dyawne Johnson and Michael Caine. It felt forced. Josh and Vanessa also didn't have a good chemistry. Luis Guzman talked to much and wasn't funny at all. This movie may be for kids but I doubt if they would even like it.