PG | 06 August 2009 (USA)
Bandslam Trailers

A high school social outcast and the popular girl bond through a shared love of music.

Micitype Pretty Good
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Gluepack Nothing on Bulgarian TV so I checked out Film4 on, as there was nothing else on the UK channels worth watching. I've avoided Film4 a lot lately as the titles/writeups haven't been that inspiring.What a surprise! I started it as the popcorn was popping, half expecting to give it 15 mins max. However, it was an excellent little movie with excellent direction and acting that kept me enthralled to the end.The main characters were all excellent, particularly Sa5m (Survive'em), but many of the minor characters were very good too which, to a great extent, was down to quite a pleasantly-surprising well-written script.
Bill Boyer I watched this movie because I heard it was better than it looked. I remember thinking "eh, it's a good way to turn my head off and I can watch it in the background while i do other things" kind of movie. Listen, teeny rom coms aren't my thing. But i DO love me some live music. I haven't seen any of the Teen musical things that pollute and insult my intelligence. The story has a formulaic outline, that you'll see coming a mile away...but the ride is fun. It's little moments of real angst and just making bad decisions that every teen goes through that actually surprise you, and make it worth your time watching. Everyone knows the quirky weird girl that really has no idea how hot she is, or the dorky kid, hot cheerleader, bad boy, blah blah blah, they are all here. But they actually feel like real people. They make decisions that don't make you roll your eyes. And I gotta say, the music is FAR better than I was expecting. Not all the original songs are good, but the soundtrack is WAY above average. And the scene talking about the Velvet Underground proves that for me. The closing numbers ska/punk riff had me smiling. Because ska was something i loved in high school myself. I'm in my 30's and have no kids, and anyone i recommend this to laughs in my face. I completely understand why, but this movie is a guilty pleasure of mine. Got an hour and a half to kill?? I dare you to try and not enjoy it on some level. Plus, I'd rather have this as my guilty pleasure than crappy reality TV, endless reruns of ESPN, or whatever flavor of the week is on.
chocokitty11 Oh god, where do I even start. I was reading about this movie somewhere online and thought it sounded like a really good idea. The thought of a bunch of misfits who are into music and want to start a band sounded like a great idea. The first half an hour in I really enjoyed the movie. It was really funny. However, after a while it got so annoying it was hard to take. First of all, as a teenager myself, I don't think this movie is relate-able to older or younger teens. It's much too witty and classic rock savvy for tweens to understand, and too corny and hokey for older teens to like.The movie obviously lacked a target age demographic. I also found that the characters where not very likable. Will didn't have any negative character traits (unless you count awkward,) which made him seem like he couldn't be a real person. I also found the whole reason that he was made teased in his previous school INCREDIBLEY unrealistic. As for Charlotte, it seemed odd that she would start a band to try to be nice to people. Her whole motive made no sense to me. However, I do think that Aly Michalka playing Charlotte was the best performance in the film. I liked Sa5m a lot. She was angsty, sarcastic and whimsical. Unfortunately I started to REALLY dislike her the second half of the movie because she completely changed characters and started smiling, which got on my nerves. Finally, I think that this movie got mixed up with what the term "indie" means. Indie means a band that is apart of an independent record label. Most of the bands in this movie where Classic Rock or Classic Alternative. The only indie bands mentioned where The Velvet Underground, Sonic Youth, and Peter Bjorn and John. In conclusion, I tried to like this movie. It was such a good idea, I REALLY REALLY wanted to. But in the end, this movie just ended up sounding poserish and unhip. The movie was a lot of fun, but definitely not something I would watch again.
Virginie Mikaelian I am surprised of how much I enjoyed this movie.It was clever. You know how teen movies – especially ones involving kids competing against each other in school related events – tend to be highly predictable? Well, this movie had real unpredictable moments… I mean real ones. Like when Will is upstage and everyone is chanting his name (this is not a spoiler, don't worry)… I didn't know what was going to happen until it happened. I know this might sound kind of lame, it's only a detail but the fact that they managed to surprise me with it was really something.And, the mirror scene. How many people wish they had thought of this for show and tell? And the kissing scene! HAHAHAHAHAHA. With the hat and the hair…. God that was funny. I'm still laughing just thinking about it! The only reason I'm giving it a 9 is because one small detail bothered me. How in the world did they come up with the song at the end? It was a little far-fetched which kind of clashed with the rest of the movie because the rest made sense… if you've seen the movie, you'll know what I mean.And I cried! Twice! One time because I was touched and the other time because I was sad...So, this is a FAMILY movie that is CLEVER, FUNNY, SAD, TOUCHING. I highly recommend this if you're hanging out with your younger sibling or if you are babysitting a 12 year old (not younger than 12 though because they might not get all the jokes...) They will LOVE it and so will you!