Just Jim
Just Jim
| 25 September 2015 (USA)
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In a small Welsh town where people talk to themselves we meet Jim, a lonely teenager who is given the chance to increase his popularity when a cool American kid moves in next door. Written and directed by Craig Roberts, who also plays the lead role.

Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
Prismark10 Diminutive Craig Roberts did a memorable turn in the BBC3 series Being Human. In Just Jim he stars as well as directing and writing the film.He plays lonely Welsh teenager Jim, who is a bit of a social outcast. Even his dog runs away from him. Then a mysterious American called Dean (Emile Hirsch) moves next door to him and Dean is modelled on a rebellious James Dean.He makes Jim look cool by giving him a kind of 50s American look. Jim's newly rebellious attitude lands him in trouble at school and it is left open ended if Dean is just a figment of an over- imaginative teenage brain.This is a slight coming of age story with a jagged tonal shift in the latter part of the film. It is a little bit weird and off kilter but really does not amount to much.
MattyGibbs A lonely teenagers life is transformed upon the arrival of his American next door neighbour. This is a very quirky dark comedy that will not appeal to everyone. After a relatively sluggish start setting up the situation things pick up with the arrival of mysterious American Emile Hirsch. Emile Hirsch is great and Craig Roberts who bears an uncanny resemblance and acting style to Martin Freeman is also superb as the unpopular kid trying to improve his social standing. Despite the good acting this is a hit and miss affair. There are some good ideas here and some good scenes but too many of them fall flat. The pacing isn't great and it seems to bounce from place to place without any real direction. Overall this isn't a bad film it's just a bit too way out there for my taste and I doubt I'd watch it again.
pcwatt-32926 I thought the Tories stopped funding for the arts? Either way, this film is balls. It seems left to the imagination whether the American actually moved into Jim's next door residence, or whether he was simply a figment of his imagination. His parents certainly saw him as real. Regardless, anyone who can relate to the protagonists in this film has serious personal issues. I guess its no less stylistic than a full-on Yank flick like Donnie Darko or other purely stylistic shite. Yeah, I sat back and was vaguely entertained, but seriously, this is hipster fodder/rubbish. Esoteric nonsense. If film making today is supposed to serve the film maker and not the audience, then consider it a job well done.
remembervhs This movie is a lot of things.It's an homage (or a rip-off, you choose) of Punch Drunk Love, Mulholland Drive, and Rebel Without A Cause.It's a teen coming of age film that takes every genre trope and exaggerates it to bizarre extremities.It's a comedy and, in certain segments, it's fairly unsettling.It has an extremely pronounced tonal shift around halfway through that totally caught me off guard.The camera-work is quite good, and the film looks great. The soundtrack is fantastic and it ranges from jangling ambiance (Punch Drunk Love) to deep drones (Mulholland Drive).For a movie that copies so much, it all feels very original. Look forward to Craig Robert's next.