The Phoenix Incident
The Phoenix Incident
NR | 16 June 2015 (USA)
The Phoenix Incident Trailers

A number of 'missing person' cases are reported in Phoenix, Arizona when an unexplained light appears in the sky one night in 1997.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
gothamschild For anyone interested in UFOLOGY its a safe bet to say you have heard or know of The Phoenix lights-the night strange lights and Black flying triangles were seen by the residents of Phoenix in Arizona. What makes this case unique is the number of witness's. The HOLE of Phoenix.Keith Arem's film is unique in the found found footage genre in that it mixes fact with fiction and actors with real witnesses.The story centres around four friends who,after being drooped of in the desert,go quad biking.They inadvertently stumble upon a dog fight between a flying triangle and USAF jets,who manage to shoot it down.Naturally they go and investigate. Now the reason I have I given this film full marks is because the story doesn't suggest-or even ask you to believe what happens next was real-it makes you question what happened that night and exposes the length the authorities went to cover up and ridicules the situation. Found footage films can either be excellent or truly awful-there is no other way this film could be done and it works a treat.Sometimes its hard to not think "Oh come on,you've just been through what ever the situation was and your STILL holding the camera?!" But Keith managed to work his way round this in a perfectly sensible way.If you want to learn about the incident this film will help and if,like me,you start googling things after then its succeeded in not only entertaining you but also educating you at the same time.
milagros-98666 I can't believe the way this movie went. It started pretty good and then he ruin by bringing Hollywood into it. It would have been better as a documentary and letting the audience decide for themselves. This was a waste of my time and a put down to what happen in 1997. It just made laughing stock to the people that actually saw it. I would suggest you spend sometimes in Estrella Mountains so you can see for yourself what is going on there. For someone that said in the interview you believe in UFO, you did nothing for this movie. Next time try to stay on the story and don't let your Hollywood side make a true story into a joke
jacques-europe I have seen many found footage movies and some of them are quite good, as they 1. allow the viewer to get an idea of the whole scenery and 2. as they give your eyes some calm moments. The viewer needs time to understand what's actually going on!This movies doesn't do anything of that. It's really hard work to watch the found footage scenes, so shaky, the image even switches off completely for many times, the cam crashes against walls and the ground with wild movements, a tour de force for your eyes, so much that it gets really annoying. I wanted to shout out loud: stop finally moving!While the story could have been very exciting (the basic idea is not bad), the 4 main characters sometimes behave like crazy. Just imagine someone dangerous follows you in the dark. And your first reaction is: shout as loud as possible, speak loudly, use your torch to show everyone within the next 2 miles where you are, and that ALL the time.That's what these 4 guys do. So empathy has no chance to grow for them. After a while of watching I thought: just stop filming guys and get caught finally.The pseudo-documentary style of the movie is OK, if you like that kind of movie. To me it's a little bit too much of history channel's "the secret alien files" kind of stuff: the camera, the editing, the light of the interview scenes - just the way those scenes are made I have seen before too many times on TV. The director clearly needs to find a way to make his individual kind of movie. Now it's just a collection of copied elements. Truly better than "sharknado", but not much better than every pseudo-documentary on TV.
Carlos García I'll begin by saying that I love found footage movies, although most of them are quite disappointing at some point. However, there's fairly good examples of this genre, such as The Phoenix Incident. As the title denotes, this film is based on the Phoenix Lights, the biggest UFO sighting in the USA that took place in 1997. I am a fan of the sighting myself, so when I learned what this movie was about I just had to watch it. It was a pleasant surprise! I love how they mixed the real story, with real footage and real news coverage with the fictional story, which is about the disappearance of four men the exact same night the Phoenix Lights took place. The faux documentary (mockumentary) stile really suits this movie because it kind of makes it feel like it actually happened and we are watching real footage of an alien encounter. Towards the end of the film everything gets a little too repetitive, and for someone who has already seen plenty of found footage movies, this one offers nothing new to the genre. That's why I give it a 6 out of 10. The acting is good though, the special effects are really well worked and the music helps the atmosphere! I don't know, I really liked this movie and I totally recommend it to anyone who's interested either in UFO related stuff or found footage films!