Lost Time
Lost Time
| 19 September 2014 (USA)
Lost Time Trailers

After leaving a doctor visit with the worst news, Valerie Dreyfuss and her sister Melissa come to a stop on a lonely stretch of road. Their car is engulfed by a blinding light....12 hours later Valerie wakes to the horror that her sister is gone, nowhere to be found.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
petarmatic I have to agree with the people who reviewed this title when they said that they do not understand what was this film about.Was it about alien abduction or was it about MILF trying to find herself in this huge world of ours? I really did not get it.If you are looking for a good film about alien abductions, well this is not a film about it. I think it is more about MILF trying to find what is beyond.Please do not watch this film. Waste of time.I want to take this opportunity to ask US government and especially President Obama to use his last two years in office to disclose everything about aliens and what is the truth and what is not. Since he will have nothing better to do in his lame duck period, I think it will be a perfect opportunity to make himself even more famous if he disclose EVERYTHING known to the public. Public can take it.
ASouthernHorrorFan This is a story that evolves as more of the plot is revealed. As a woman deals with fighting cancer her sister disappears during what is perceived as an alien abduction. Sesma obviously has explored the broader concept of aliens and their "possible" true origins. Blending the spiritual with an emotional trauma, and the awareness of a more sinister construct of our universe, "Lost Time" delves deep into the psychological nightmare and fear that surrounds the mysterious phenomenon of lost time/abduction experience. There is times when some noir permeates the film and reminds me of "Dark City" (not so much in style but in attitude). For me personally, I found the film pulsating with real human emotion, human tragedy, and fear of lost control over one's destiny. Not only on a science fiction level but a level that is very much grounded in mortality, and confusion. The characters, although at first glance seem two dimensional, are standard paradigms emoting despair and desire for self-preservation. "Lost Time" is a complex story that at times feels a bit too tragic and macabre, but also generates such intense, surreal elements of horror. And don't get me started on the fact that the story touches on the concepts of inter- dimensional, multiverse concepts. Comparisons between man's mythology of creation and that of extraterrestrial interference. The special effects and cinematography in "Lost Time" is stellar, with some truly chilling moments. It is a blend of CGI and practical, both done top perfectly and present the necessary spectacle you need to create the moment. I didn't find any of them to be cheap or cheesy. The sound effects and instrumental music is pretty "cookie cutter", it is all sounds we have heard many times over, but they do play well with the scenes, and really drive in the sense of dread that "Lost Time" goes for atmospherically. Overall I enjoyed "Lost Time". The story does get a bit heady at times, and may seem confusing as to the true nature of this chilling tale so be aware. Some moments do loose momentum as far as thrills and intensity, but those moments don't last long. Most of the story stays dark and edgy. This is a more mature, stripped down sci-fi that uses a more toned down amount of CGI and effects to create those elements of fear, or science fiction. I enjoyed the fact that "Lost Time" starts as one kind of alien-esque story but then evolves into something different and far more sinister. The ending is a bit confusing and seems to reach for that final conclusion, but it is creative.
quasides To be honest i hate those abduction movies. But for some reason i gave that one a shot, well bad Mistake.The Story: This Movie doesn't make any sense. Nothing make sense. Not the how, not the why. Not the characters, their behavior, the storyline. Its like a 12 Year old wanted to make an Abduction story and this is the result and no he is not talented. - And yes i could do better - i think most of the viewers could do better.And just when i thought it cant get weirder, cant get worse, cant be more nonsense - well this film surprises and it gets worse, it gets weirder the end - well don't know how to put this - the worst possible turn around to make it a happy end.The Acting: Well mostly rubbish and overdoing. Specially the main actress is annoying. Flat stereotype characters, you simply don't care what happens to them. They are overacting, they are constantly hysterical and annoying. The technique: Well the movie has a dirty look, all actors look pale, Grey, not really dark but also not "bright". The effects are unnecessary but also way below you tube standard. But the real joke are the props, seriously, it just look like crap. And the Music, well no words,.. look at other reviews lolBottom Line: Its pure crap. For a thriller you must have at least a little sympathy for the characters, but you don't, you just hope the movie ends as fast as possible and if that means everyone shall die as fast as possible way then so be it.To be honest i cant even express my real feeling about this Movie without hitting the language filter ob IMDb
reallyevilboy I am an avid alien abduction enthusiast. Movies that would be given really bad reviews I would enjoy merely for the sake of the alien abduction theme.It's a rare theme, a genre I desperately seek movies on. A well done alien abduction movie will scare the pants of me and leave me awake night after night watching the open door.This was not one of them. If I was even slightly entertained by this movie I would have lovingly given this a 5 or 6 star rating. But No.The film had potential as well, the script started off okay but was executed in such a way that the only thing stopping me from turning it off was my desperate need to see another alien abduction movie. Then the script went bad, really bad.This movie hurt me.Can someone please make a descent alien abduction film?