The Divide
The Divide
R | 13 January 2012 (USA)
The Divide Trailers

Survivors of a nuclear attack are grouped together for days in the basement of their apartment building, where fear and dwindling supplies wear away at their dynamic.

Pluskylang Great Film overall
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Loui Blair It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
seanwike I watched this movies years after it was released, knew nothing about it. Post apocalyptic and I'm in, toss in a couple of stars, bonus.Well things go from bad to worse to really off the chain. Watching the characters devolve and unravel just kept me watching. Sort of like watching a train wreck in slow motion. You know what's going to happen, it's horrible, but you can't avert your eyes away. Just like this movie, when things go south, you're on the ride until it's over, very compelling.Not an easy movie to watch, certainly not for the faint of heart. This is a "take a shower after viewing" type of movie. And you still won't be able to get the feces off of you. (there's the spoiler)
Alina Elena A lot of movies did the whole "survivors stuck together try to survive each other", but not quite as vividly as The Divide. And also, not as disturbing. A simple premise - a few people escape a nuclear blast and find themselves stuck in a shelter, in the basement of a building.Tension soon builds up and conflicts arise. As the movie progresses, the characters slowly descend into madness, whether because of the situation or the fact that they got irradiated. The actors' performance is amazing, especially of those who start losing it. You can feel yourself growing more and more afraid of them, just as the characters in the movie, a feat few other films accomplish so brilliantly.There were some things not quite fully thought out, though. At some point, the movie introduces additional villains, in the form of soldiers in hazmat suits, but in my opinion they were unneeded. They were mainly there to give an excuse for the death/disappearance of a character and a door closed forever, but they just add confusion and those things could have been achieved in other ways. Especially since they remain unexplained in the end.A word of caution - the movie is BRUTAL. I've seen slasher flicks with less violence, so be prepared going in.
justjason-74907 This was, overall, a very realistic story of how humans would behave in a situation like this. It wasn't what I expected, but in a good way. For the individuals who posted negative reviews, they were obviously looking for something more action packed. For the individuals who have the time to enjoy the full story line of a film in this genre, you're in for a bit of a treat. This film can be a bit disturbing at times, but overall a realistic view of how humans would behave in a situation like this. Somebody mentioned this being a apocalyptic rape film. That is absolutely untrue. Granted, there was one scene that preluded to that, but it did not end in such a filthy act. This film has been underrated. Definitely worth the time. You'll be glad you gave it a chance.
wezhealy I thought this film was centred on a group trapped in a bunker versus an unknown enemy trying to get them following a nuclear event. In fact, this is just a small plot tool designed to set the scene for the true film plot. This film is actually the descent into depravity of a group trapped in a bunker. It's a film about secrets, insanity, group dynamics and how the situation evolves and ultimately slips into chaos. The acting is good, the set and costumes are low budget but the score is world class. The music really made me think it deserved a better film. The Divide is worth a watch as long as you know that 'the strange people outside' are little more than a mechanism and feature little beyond that. The end is predictable and will leave you unfulfilled for the time you've invested so in that respect, it's like a train ride to work, enjoy the journey because the destination isn't up to much.