No Country for Old Men
No Country for Old Men
R | 08 November 2007 (USA)
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Llewelyn Moss stumbles upon dead bodies, $2 million and a hoard of heroin in a Texas desert, but methodical killer Anton Chigurh comes looking for it, with local sheriff Ed Tom Bell hot on his trail. The roles of prey and predator blur as the violent pursuit of money and justice collide.

FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
educallejero Good. Overrated, like always with the Cohen Brothers. Its good and smart. But not as smart as the writers think, and the action is tiresome, really.
sked-74246 This film is incredible, and those who are giving bad reviews simply don't understand the underlying theme of the Coen Brothers films. From Blood Simple to Hail Caesar!, the Coen Brothers are taking an existentialist approach, meaning they're showing their audiences the pointlessness of life and plans, which is why No Country for Old Men is so captivating, but also why reviewers feel that the movie has an "empty" plot. People often have a problem with the protagonist of the story loses to the antagonist, and then chalk it up to a bad plot, as if the writer/director hadn't seen this plot device for the 3-5 odd years they worked on the film. Ultimately, they've made a choice to kill the protagonist and leave the antagonist alive (also having us lose faith in the police officer) to give us a feel of existential dread, and further the idea that violence is not about the protagonist using it to restore balance, but it's about the fact that violence is not effective in real life. This is one of the reasons that Javier Bardem was cast in the role. When the Coen Brothers asked him to play Chigurh, he said he "hated violence," and made them want to cast him even more. It's because they too hate violence, and wanted the audience to feel unsatisfied by the ending because unlike Tarantino, they wanted the violence to feel pointless and unfair. So ultimately when you watch Coen Brothers films, try to see them through the lens of existentialism, because they tend to find the ideas glorified in movies (ie. robbery, fame, mystery, murder) utterly pointless. It's what made Blood Simple, Miller's Crossing, Fargo, The Big Lebowski, and finally No Country for Old Men, so successful.
jansacha Totally disagree with the enthusiastic opinions here. The movie is well made, but the story is simple and shallow. As in most mainstream movies we find here some stereotypical characters and the usual obsession about cash, guns, and violence. Only sex is missing. To me that's primitive and boring.
lonewolfleeisnoob MASTERPIECE ! If you have yet to see this film then do so right now ! I won't even begin to give another long winded breakdown of the movie just see it and then watch it again about a year later.Then continue to do this until you die. Joy. Perfect. Masterpiece. I heard that GOD loves this film too and it runs forever in the cinema in the sky !
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