Hotel Inferno
Hotel Inferno
NR | 26 December 2013 (USA)
Hotel Inferno Trailers

The contract killer Frank Zimosa has just been hired for a ridiculously lucrative mission by the rich and powerful Jorge Mistrandia. The objective: to kill a couple of people hiding in one of his European hotels. What would look like one of the simplest jobs Frank has ever had is just about to turn into a living nightmare. He will soon realize he's nothing more than prey for Mistrandia and his army of crazy henchmen that have hiding in the hotel along with an ancient and unstoppable Horror.

Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Mr.Crow This movie is one of those POV movies like Hardcore Henry, so for people who get motion sickness you may want to stay away from this film. Also this movie is freaking gory and bloody, extreme amount of violence in the film, some scenes done very well to just plain silly tomato ketchup looking scenes. The main problem with the film is the main character, he just seems so off, his voice is weird, he seems like a dude perhaps in his 40's yet his voice has that weird "deckard cain" feel to it. Don't expect this to be a good film or try to follow the story, because it is very vague on to what it wants you to understand. It honestly feels like a college project type of movie, a college movie that spent its whole entire budget on blood and makeup effects.This is one of those "background noise" kinda movies, throw it on while your doing something else, you may see a cool scene or two. If you're a fan of the POV kinda movies like me you will find some enjoyment in it.
jackmeat My quick rating 4,8/10. Pretty silly plot with some non-existent acting. That really isn't the point of this movie, the point is to watch what is a first person shooter game that has been put on celluloid (OK, old term, but I am old). This movie is over the top with completely fake looking gore and stupid bad guys, just like a game. That is the novelty and that is the only place it gets points from me, beyond that, this movie sucks. Watch it for that reason alone, don't laugh when you hear the main character speak, he is supposed to sound like a moron. Not worth typing enough,even for IMDb today,so enjoy,or don't, up to you. Guess I changed my mind, this was enough for IMDb, short and sweet....
Joe Dante First, let me say that I can not believe 40 people gave this sad piece of VHS tape a 10! The acting is virtually non existent, you never see anyones face without a cheap stupid latex mask, which my grandma probably could have done better. The whole idea about a hotel full of "demons" is so stupid you can't believe it. Whithyout acting, story or characters, the only thing left is the gore, which is really really cheap and ugly. Add to this an annoyingly shaky camera and someone making gargling noises all the time, and you have a movie that makes "Plan B from outer Space" an Oscar-Winner. Avoid at all costs! Just watch something else instead...
morrigan1982 I rarely dislike a film. Most of the times I try to find something to like while watching. This movie was really really bad. The acting was awful, no scenery to ease my pain… nothingIt had the interesting camera idea of a first person shooting video game, but it was not that well made. Their where others in the past to use the same technique but I hadn't seen it in a long time. So you can say that's a plus … The costumes, the make up etc was really awful. Another plus was the idea for the scenario which had potential but … it failed in the end. I really like watching bad movies they are fun but this one was no fun at all. It was a waste of time. I am the person that when I read a bad review I want to see the movie. Try to control yourselves!!!!!