The Purge
The Purge
R | 06 June 2013 (USA)
The Purge Trailers

Given the country's overcrowded prisons, the U.S. government begins to allow 12-hour periods of time in which all illegal activity is legal. During one of these free-for-alls, a family must protect themselves from a home invasion.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
ddjakovic Only in America one can come up with a moronic thought, even if for a movie, where one night in a year people are allowed to commit any crime, including murder, without being punished. Horrible thought.....othwerwise the movie is not directed that bad, and acting is acceptable.
namnhile The idea itself of the purge is very interesting but the scenario in this movie is very disatisfying. Everything seems to be very illogical. All the wealthy family just have hand guns and a shotgun. Look! living in the purge as a wealthy family and you don't even have a riffle and bulletproof vests in your arsenal is just absurd. When people are in front of your house threatening you and you don't have a way to shoot them in the face is just ridiculous. You can have a machine gun mounted on top of your house or a tower just like the ones on armor tanks, remote control and shoot one by one out of them. And even you bust into your door and you don't have a assault rifle mounted behind a steel shied and shoot the hell out of them is another disappointed point. They are rich and suppose to be smart, well prepared but their actions and thought are very simple and predictable. There are hundreds of ideas to make this movie better. If you want to make a satisfying chaos movie, put real actions and thought into it. Don't be lazy!
lecaro A piece of s.... I have nothing more to say ... just do not see it
anselmdaniel This review contains spoilers.The Purge is a thriller movie set in the United States where all crime is legal for one night a year. The movie is directed and written by James DeMonaco. The movie stars Ethan Hawke and Lena Headey as they try to survive the violent night.The Purge is a typical home invasion story with a political twist. The main characters are in an upper class family that has numerous tools and options to survive. The young boy in the family shelters a poor person on the run from rich upper class citizens trying to kill him. It is this event that sets the rest of the movie into action as the gang now target the house. These plot events highlight the main weakness of the movie, its writing. The sheltering of the poor man does not happen organically, but rather through a freak sequence of circumstances it is allowed to happen. It is also strange that many people would not simply take a trip abroad to avoid The Purge. A quick flight or drive to Canada or Mexico could prevent their murder. There is no in universe explanation for why the citizens cannot simply leave the United States. It simply happens and the audience has to accept it.The directing is bland with some highlights. The scenes in the dark reflect the low budget nature of the movie. These scenes were well done but the low budget showed in them. The editing and effects were decent. The masks the purgers wear range from creepy to funny. The acting is decent with everyone putting up an acceptable performance. No scenes in the movie stick out as memorable.Overall, The Purge can be a fun movie if one turns off their brain. It is not a movie that can last scrutiny in its plot or setting.