Warm Bodies
Warm Bodies
PG-13 | 01 February 2013 (USA)
Warm Bodies Trailers

After a zombie becomes involved with the girlfriend of one of his victims, their romance sets in motion a sequence of events that might transform the entire lifeless world.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Humbersi The first must-see film of the year.
dannolan This film definitely deserves a 9/10 review but as im only seeing this as 6.9 i feel like it deserves to be higher. So im hoping people will realise how good thos filn is to bring the average up. This film was brilliantly done for the script it had so dont read unless you want spoilers although ive kept them to a minimum. So if you have seen the film just think how stupid the original script must of sounded. Basically zombies manage to invade the world and even take over every countries military with ease and have a group of survivors build a wall to protect themselves (maybe this is what trump is trying to prepare for). Then a group of teenagers who cant even shoot a gun straight, seriously when you watch this film dave franco had the perfect shot to take them out with a semi automatic but still f$&#s it up and gets himself killed. But in some weird sort off karma this then contributes to the survival of everything (dont want to say to much as it is spoilers). But with both Nicholas Hoult and Teresa Palmer's acting and not to forget john Malkovich's co starring they manage to turn what sounds a stupid as s%#t film into something brilliant that just grabs your attention from the start and wont let go till the film ends. Its even one of them films you can happily watch over again with your loved one without getting bored off it.
P.uncia To keep it short:I love this movie. The reference to our zombie-like society makes this comedy deeper than you'd like to think at first. The soundtrack is great. The plot is simple, but it's touching. It makes me think about whether or not we can change, as human beings. I have lived a zombie-like life myself, and I don't think I am the only one. Losing contact with my body, my feelings. So to me, this movie is about Waking Up, and it serves a much greater purpose. So goddamn good it's a funny and somewhat ironic movie as well. The main characters do a good job. The only downside I can think of is that the movie seems too "filtered" sometimes. It would be good to see everyone looking more real. But it doesn't kill the overall impression. Check it out.
Chappy Watched So I'll start off by saying that this film does have Twilight themes to it but is 1000 times better and manages to tell a better film in one movie as opposed to four.The film starts straight away; there is no dwelling on how it all happened or even how far into the world it reaches.If you are expecting a Walking Dead, Dawn Of The Dead or Resident Evil level of zombie, flesh, blood and violence then you are going to be disappointed. This is a different take on zombies; they still eat flesh but it's a lot more toned down than any of the previously mentioned titles.The film is narrated by 'R', as he spends his days hanging around an abandoned airport, on the outside he is sluggish and struggles to even get one word out but he seems intellectually capable and aware in his mind. I did find it weird that these zombies are more functional than most, having the ability to open door and play records.It's also different to see that when the zombies eat a person's brain, they get their memories, feeling and emotions and there are also two types of zombies; the more human ones that can evolve or the 'bonies' that gave up on life and just become an empty shell.It has a really good cast with most of the focus on Nicholas Hoult, Teresa Palmer and Rob Corddry but with Dave Franco, John Malkovich and Analeigh Tipton rounding out a good group of actors.The soundtrack is also worth a mention with songs by Bob Dylan, Bruce Springstein, Roy Orbison, Guns N' Roses and Bon Iver.An enjoyable movie that should at least be watched once but I wouldn't be against watching it again.
roddekker Warm Bodies was, without question, one of those infuriating "zombie-turned-love-story" movies that only excelled in earning my complete contempt for it and all of its utter preposterousness.If you ask me - Warm Bodies was so brain-dead and moronic (on all counts) that it only ended up completely disgracing the movie sub-genre of zombies like no other picture I've ever seen before, or since.And, as far as zombie movies go - Warm Bodies contained so many glaring flaws and equally cringe-worthy moments that, at this point, I don't know where the heck to start voicing and venting my total disgust for this reeking heap of idiotic asininity.So, in conclusion - I will bring my angry commentary to its abrupt end by simply saying that I sure hope that this sort of "zombie-turned-love-story" movie isn't going to become the latest trend.Sheesh! Spare me that ultimate torture!