Beautiful Creatures
Beautiful Creatures
PG-13 | 14 February 2013 (USA)
Beautiful Creatures Trailers

Ethan Wate just wants to get to know Lena Duchannes better, but unbeknownst to him, Lena has strange powers. As Lena's 16th birthday approaches she might decide her fate, to be good or evil. A choice which will impact her relationship forever.

Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
mukul1904 Now, the one-rating is little hard I know But this book series was one of the first I ever read, that's how I started reading booksSo, I had a special place in my heart for its characters and plot but I don't even want to discuss how this movie twisted and turned the book into an excuse to make 5-7 movies
Michael Ledo This film incorporates elements of "Twilight" and "To Kill a Mockingbird" to make for a confused film. Lena (Alice Englert) is the new kid in school. Ethan (Alden Ehrenreich) who is not the brightest bulb in the pack, is attracted to her, even with her attempts to brush him off. We soon find out Lena has telekinetic powers, as does her family who are not witches but castors. You can look that up on Google.There are flashbacks to a local Civil War battle fought on Dec.21, Lena's birthday. Her 16th birthday is approaching, a time when she will become...Lena could have been played by Kirsten Stewart with an occasional facial expression, while Ethan was an irritating goober. Dad was a creepy gentry, rounding out characters that were fairly stereotypical. The locals were so stereotypical, I almost barfed. I would wait for the DVD with the commentary if you haven't read the book.Parental Guide: No F-bombs, sex, or nudity
DragonSusie Having never personally read the book, and even being unaware that there is a book series until checking out the film, I am only able to rate the film as it stands. I can understand why people would be upset that the film doesn't live up to the books; I have had that several times with book series that I love. Yet it is surprising to see that others would down rate the film on a standalone basis.Granted, even to my Southern English ears I can hear that Jeremy Irons has a terrible Southern US accent. Yet despite that he is still a versatile actor. The film itself is done in a comedic way, even though this is supposed to be a fantasy suspense romance. Even with the moments that made me jump, I ended up laughing at a few of them. And the storyline had me completely enraptured throughout.The ending was heart breaking, yet with funny and positive moments to break you away from the sadness. The ending scene shows that they could easily make a sequel, if they wanted to, but it's just rounded up enough to make it a standalone. And, from what I've now read up about the books, perhaps it's best that way.All in all, a film I'd happily revisit sometime. And it has tempted me enough to check out the books that it's based on!
theelby-24795 Watched beautiful creatures with no expectations what so ever,was really happy because it gave me a great surprise on how I enjoyed this movie.Its set in a small town named Gatlin where a new girl arrives in town everyone hates her but the main character Ethan finds a connection with her pretty quickly and finds out she has powers she is a caster and when she turns 16 she will be claimed by light or darkness I will not spoil anymore but will say the chemistry between the two young actors is great and Jeremy Irons is fabulous,all the family of caster's are belters,the ducains this film is about the strength of love over darkness it's about hope over fear and sacrifice for the ones you love,so watch it just watch it wanting a great love, supernatural story and if like me you will not be disappointed you did,well worth 2 hrs of your time.