PG | 21 August 2009 (USA)
Shorts Trailers

A young boy's discovery of a colorful, wish-granting rock causes chaos in the suburban town of Black Falls when jealous kids and scheming adults alike set out to get their hands on it.

Lawbolisted Powerful
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
sue-brake Just like smosh on you tube this really sucks kids fell asleep in the movies and spy kids 4 was better than this reason 1 there throwing rocks that wont teach kids reason 2 no comedy reason 3 cheesy animation id rather watch spy kids 4 never buy this for your kids it a rubbish movie even Thomas and the magic railroad was better than this and that got 2.8 out of 10 on here. Now the characters go on adventures in there backyard lame. This box called black box is a stupid idea and the big storm that could wipe out the world suddenly goes to a stop it slowly stops not just flick done so as i said done buy this no one lives when there eaten by a crocodile
tavm Just watched this movie from 2009 on a single children's matinée showing at 11 am with my movie theatre-working friend. With Robert Rodriguez' name attached, I expected something silly with some good laughs and I did. The title is meant to convey that it's a series of short segments as told by the main kid character in connection with a whole feature that deals with a wish-bearing rock. I think I liked the one about the booger monster the best with second being that bit where Leslie Mann and Jon Cryer as that kid's parents are being literally stuck together. Oh, and I didn't know that this was the first time that Cryer and James Spader had been in the same movie together since Pretty in Pink some 23 years previous. Anyway, I was amused most of the time and wouldn't mind seeing this again with my nieces and nephews. So on that note, Shorts is worth a look if you're in the mood for something imaginative and humorous.
Sirus_the_Virus When I saw the trailer's for Robert Rodriguez's Shorts, I thought it was going to be a nightmare. It looked dreadful. I myself am not a fan of his work. Spy kids was bad. So are most of his other films. I wasn't going to give it a chance until my sister told me that it wasn't too bad. So I gave it a chance. As much as I wanted to hate the film, I actually couldn't.Shorts is a film that is cheesy. Obviously it has it's flaws. But I won't get into them just yet. Shorts is the story of a boy named Toby(played by Jimmy Bennett)who has just moved to this weird town. He is always being bullied. His life changes when a rainbow colored rock is thrown at him. He soon finds out that it has magical powers.You can really see what happens next. There are a lot of actors in this film. Like Jon Cryer and Leslie Mann who play the lead character's parents. They have a hard time communicating. And James Spader as their boss, who is a villain of some sort. And William H. Macey as a germaphobe. They all do well with what they have.Now for the flaws. The special effects are obviously cheesy. Of course they are it's Rodriguez we're talking about here. The kid actors are at times annoying. I have never liked Jimmy Bennett to begin with. But onward. It's a little too childish also. But as someone who wanted to hate it, I couldn't. I laughed. I had fun. Shorts also has a way of changing time. Shifting from the past to the future. I liked that. Though flawed, Shorts isn't terrible.Shorts:**1/2 out of ****
devgibbs I saw this with my son (10) and his friend. I expected to fall asleep because of the poor reviews on IMDb, but to my happy surprise it awoke the inner child in me. The wishes were plausible for children and the FX were enjoyable. The two kids with me complained that they would have had better wishes than in the movie or about this and that, but they barely moved a muscle while it was playing, didn't ask for popcorn or snacks.Overall, this is a great family film in the Disney vein of talking Herbie cars and other implausibilities that I loved as a child and am glad I saw with my child. Better than Spy Kids 2 or 3D, Shark Boy and Lava Girl.