Judy Moody and the Not Bummer Summer
Judy Moody and the Not Bummer Summer
PG | 10 June 2011 (USA)
Judy Moody and the Not Bummer Summer Trailers

Third-grader Judy Moody sets out to have the most thrilling summer of her life.

GrimPrecise I'll tell you why so serious
Noutions Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
invisibleunicornninja When I was younger I really liked the books and for some reason thought that this movie was good. This movie is actually creative with a somewhat interesting story. The problem falls with the execution. This movie is really cheap with bad acting and a poor script. The final product is just cringy and bad. The main problems are that the acting is terrible and the comedy falls flat for the most part. With a higher budget and a better director, this movie really could've worked.
ishotacop So I watched the film and thought that this is just garbage, I was hoping that there would be some enticing and extravagant middle or ending but there wasn't. The acting was dreadful, I thought to myself that there could have been a change but there wasn't how do kids get these jobs, they need to mature and get some acting skill. Now I will talk about Heather Graham she is unbelievably hot like Holy Crap she is beautiful in every way even her movies are good to watch but how on earth did she decide to choose this. I watched an interview on how she thought on the movie, she said it was fun to make which it probably would because it would have only took a few weeks due to the fact it looked like there was no effort put into it, any how I could see that she was thinking that she had made a large mistake. The actors were not chosen well and the storyline was terrible so I am begging to you DO NOT WATCH THIS MOVIE it is garbage.from your Down Under friend, ishotacop
charlytully I had a free pass which ONLY could be used for this movie; otherwise, its gag-inducing trailer might have kept me away. (Hollywood's goal for ALL its comedy previews these days seems hell-bent on making viewers barf, perhaps with the hope that they will blame it on a virus or food poisoning, rush home without seeing the movie they paid for--or getting a refund, and then come back and PAY AGAIN for the movie they wanted to see in the first place. Well, if most Americans are THAT stupid, then maybe Owen Wilson SHOULD be president!) Though Jordana Beatty as JUDY MOODY is not really the cutest or most entertaining girl on the block (the Fanning sisters qualify as today's Shirley Temples), BUMMER SUMMER could perhaps pass as DIARY OF A WIMPY KID for the short female set. When all the gross sight gags crammed into the preview are spread out through 91 minutes, its sort of like a farmer fertilizing his field: not so bad (if you don't get caught downwind). And with Heather Graham as Judy's Aunt Opal, this kid pic kind of gets my sympathy vote. Oh, what Roller Girl's stooped down to!
MosHr The main reason I was interested in this movie is because of Heather Graham; I know this is a children's movie but you know children don't go to the theaters by themselves and don't buy tickets by themselves so I assumed filmmakers would keep in mind that adults are going to be in the theater as well; unless I suppose it's aimed at the DVD market.The manic energy that comes from kids is there but really nothing more. The movie centers around Judy Moody who decides to quantify the quality of her summer break with points for doing daring things only to find that her friends are racking up more points by virtue of exotic locales and exotic camps. Aunt Opal (Graham) is there for the summer to look after the kids and she's a guerrilla artist (and let's leave it at that).The setup does promise an interesting look at various things like friendship - the cool friends who aren't there against the not so cool friend who is there; the relationship between the free-spirited Aunt Opal and Judy; or Judy's relationship with her brother who she seems to detest or the fact that their parents can't afford to get her to expensive camps and trips. But, unfortunately, it really doesn't do any of that - it just consists of kids of running around clumsily enacting one part after another of the story. This is where the adults would be annoyed - the story, characters going absolutely nowhere for an hour in the middle of the movie.If you're going to see this with your kids, there is some redemption at the ending and have to brave through the middle parts. As for Heather Graham, I wish she was more in the movie; she barely even registers among all the chaos.