The Family Stone
The Family Stone
PG-13 | 15 December 2005 (USA)
The Family Stone Trailers

An uptight, conservative businesswoman accompanies her boyfriend to his eccentric and outgoing family's annual Christmas celebration and finds that she's a fish out of water in their free-spirited way of life.

Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
shahdadayoughi Sara Jessica Parker is uglier that a child of ugly horse and ugly TODD. Not only her face but also her acting is worse than Sara Jessica Parker. Yes, Only Sarah jesica Parker can act worse than Sara Jessica Parker!!! Bad movie, bad script, bad acting(worse of all SJP). Waste of time, waste of electricity, waste of TV set, waste of the chair we were sitting on..
Nicole Marie After reading the awful reviews of this movie (which are ridiculous) I feel I had to put my two cents in. This movie is wonderful. Every minute of it. You will laugh and you will cry and there are parts where I am sure people will be able to relate to. While people complain that the family is mean to SJP, you have to understand that they love their son and brother and they know she isn't the one for him. Not only that, but SJP is obviously trying to be someone she is not. This movie is about the love of a family and coming to terms with finding out who you are and where and who you belong with. It all turns out better and better as the movie ends. Must watch and keep and open mind. So worth it.
juneebuggy I enjoyed this one, It was just sort of addictive watching this eccentric (normal) family going about the trials and tribulations of love and life at Christmas. Sarah Jessica Parker is an absolute mess here and super fun to watch, she steals the movie actually which surprised the hell out me because she doesn't usually have that much range.A touching comedy about an uptight, ultra conservative businesswoman (ice queen) who accompanies her boyfriend to his outgoing and screwy family's annual Christmas celebration. He has plans to propose, she is overwhelmed by the hostile reception.Great extended cast too, including Craig T. Nelson & Diane Keaton as the parents with Rachel McAdams, Dermot Mulroney, Elizabeth Reaser and Luke Wilson as the kids and (an underused) Claire Danes. I enjoyed everyone's character here and was entertained by the mayhem throughout, even surprised by some of the events. Great acting from all amid moments of humour and even some heartbreak (Keaton has a couple of very raw scenes). 12/23/14
chrisblossom09 The thread that suggests that the family hated Meredith states a good point. Everett's left brain is saying "This girl is a bad match; she is trouble". The fact that another thread that suggests Everett is boring may point to his lack of game but that is irrelevant. The left and right brains could not agree about her. When ellysway stated that Everett did not love her, be that as it may, the best reply is that it is exactly the way Meredith feels about him. If that is true, at least they are emotionally on the same page. Regardless, Sybil's real concern was that Everett would be miserable and if they did marry, it would end badly. She would always put her career first. By putting her own needs before Everett, he will always be second fiddle and will grow to resent that. He would feel neglected. Therefore, it was better to end things sooner rather than later when it would be messier. Everett needed to see clearly that there cannot be a future with Meredith.