30 Minutes or Less
30 Minutes or Less
R | 12 August 2011 (USA)
30 Minutes or Less Trailers

Two fledgling criminals kidnap a pizza delivery guy, strap a bomb to his chest, and advise him that he has mere hours to rob a bank or else...

Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
educallejero It seems that's enough by a lot of people...Im pretty sure the majority of the people who liked this are often on drugs... By often I mean all the time...
filmpudding I love Danny McBride in pretty much everything else I've ever seen him in but I couldn't stand this movie. I made myself get through the whole thing constantly reminding myself that it had to get better but it just never did.There were a couple of pretty good jokes that made me laugh a bit, like the guy on the floor in the bank and the ink packs were definitely funny parts. But overall it was just one bad joke after another. Too bad because the premise is great, that two guys kidnap a pizza delivery boy, strap a bomb vest to him with a timer and also remote detonator, and tell him to rob a bank and get $100,000 for them by that night or he'd blow up.I also like Jesse Eisenberg in the few things I've seen him in, but just couldn't stand this movie at all. I guess it's probably huge fun for potheads, but overall it's just one bad joke after another, and pretty predictable.
bowmanblue I seem to recall seeing the trailer for this and thinking it looked kind of funny. Jesse Eisenberg plays his typically geeky and hard done by character once again; this time he's a pizza delivery boy who gets tricked into robbing a bank by two local idiots who somehow know how to strap a bomb-vest around him and give him ten hours to get them one hundred thousand dollars.I quite liked the idea, but the story didn't seem to know what it was or where it was going. I think the main problem I had with it was the script. In the absence of anything either funny or clever to say, the writers went for volume. There was barely a line delivered at a normal pitch. People just yelled at each other to make up for the fact that no witty dialogue was available at the time.I guess if you look at this film as more of a tongue-in-cheek thriller, you may get something out of it. However, it's not serious enough to be a thriller and it's definitely not funny enough to be a comedy. Drama maybe? I can hardly see it cropping up on many Academy Award nomination lists.I did laugh once - about midway through the film and thanks to some unexpected blue stuff.I guess Jesse's laughs are being stored for Zombieland 2 or something.Disappointing. It was a nice idea that had no idea.
alindsay-al This film is one of many films that are very similar these days and that just explains why there is hardly any effort put into this film at all. The story sees this average guy Nick who is down on his luck until he is kidnapped by a couple of psychos and forced to commit a crime or else they will blow him up. Now Jesse eisenberg did a decent job here, I do believe there was possibly better people for the role but he did an alright job in the role just don't expect this to be the role where you understand why he is now lex luthor. The supporting cast has its good and bad, Danny McBride plays one of the psychos and he does a good job like he is good at always doing in films like this. Eisenberg's best friend is also good with the duo having good chemistry that carries this film. Other then that though I mean McBride's partner and eisenberg's romance are totally underused and suffer from being ultimately insignificant. The story in this film is just bad, the first 20 mins are terrible with the film being choppy and not deciding where it wanted to go, also plot lines were not detailed enough for you to care at all. The scripts alright with the dialogue being sometimes good but their are other times where it totally sucks and you wonder why you are bothering. The style is so copy and paste with other films like this that it frustrates me, however, there is once scene that is really funny but does not make up for the overall picture. Overall this film is not necessary to see and just stick to a Seth rogen comedy instead.