Beer League
Beer League
R | 15 September 2006 (USA)
Beer League Trailers

An unemployed slacker inspires his softball teammates to improve their game to avoid getting kicked out of the local league.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
Paul Celano (chelano) As a basic movie with a story line, this film was weak. As a comedy, it was great, but you have to like this type of humor. It is a bunch of snobby one liners full of crude humor. I am a fan of this humor and it had me laughing from start to finish. The cast is pretty decent and you could tell they just all had fun. Artie Lange was the fat idiot; although he looks skinnier in this movie than other ones I have seen him in. Ralph Macchio is in the film and he was not as funny as the others, but he still shows some acting skills. There are so many side characters in the film that it is hard to list them all. I am guessing they were just friends who got to be in the film. Some were Louis Lombardi, Jim Breuer and even Tina Fey. Some other side characters had bigger parts and were just as funny. Two characters I enjoyed a lot were Joe Lo Truglio who was wearing cut off jean shorts. That had me laughing every time he wore them. Then you have Jerry Minor who played the so called "token black guy". But that was to everyone else and not him. Then the actor who had the best lines in the movie was Seymour Cassel. The things he said really had me laughing. So overall, a pretty decent comedy, but as a full movie, it was just OK.
jaybay82 I might not be the best person to review this movie, as I'm already an Artie Lange fan. But, oh well. I personally believe that I would've loved this movie anyways. The characters are funny, some far-fetched, some completely retarded. When it comes to comedy, that's a pretty good cocktail of characters. The music is great, as a 30-something year old Artie is the star, and the music is all from the 70's and 80's when we were growing up. The neighborhood was probably very simple to film, as it's just a small Jersey town where they played softball. (Refreshing, as 90% of movies are filmed in LA, NYNY, and Chicago, it seems like). I got into the character's problems, and started to hate the foe's in the movie. That's what I want out of any movie. The one-liners from all of the characters are funny, and memorable. I show this to friends when they spend the weekend and we end up quoting the movie for weeks! When we bowl good, we're a healthy Lou Garrett! See the movie, enjoy it. Don't be a critic, be a person with a sense of humor.
RNMorton Lange is deadbeat loser who's only ray of sunshine in life is his softball team, at least until he hooks up with Buono. Macchio is his best friend and DeSando his arch enemy on and off the field. The movie is split rather evenly between softball action and the rest of the other shenanigans. I spent years playing in softball leagues like this, I've played on fields like their field (which I love), I've played with guys like the guys on Artie's team, although the language was a little better. I love Buono, she's the best thing in this movie, the only question you're asking is why she's hanging with a loser like Artie (who admittedly has some redeeming characteristics). I don't like the raunchiness, I think it hurts the movie, problem is with guys like Lange the raunchy part is so ingrained in the rest of the schtick that it's impossible to separate it out. Jimmy Palumbo does a great bit announcing as he plays, it's that sort of thing along with Buono that makes this a thumbs up rather than thumbs down. Parts of the movie are very rewatchable. And BTW, both Lange and Palumbo are real playahs.
wojt69 A great movie for anyone who grew up in Northern NJ or near the city. Now, certain people people will not get it - yes you Mr. Kansas City - just like I might not appreciate cow tipping or sex with animals, etc.This is simply the way it was/is - the local bar scene, diners after (or a run to the City) and of course, softball and the shore. The language is authentic (Bro, douchebag, multiple repetitions of the F word) and so are the characters. It helps to be a Yankee fan. I like Howard but I not overly so and Artie was never one of my favorites. The bachelor party seen is something that simply happens around here. Out of towners and non-baseball fans will miss some of the jokes who cares - don't get it. we'll still take your money when you come to visit NYC, legally or otherwise."Tanks" for comin' but now it's time to bang it up.