Wrong Turn 3: Left for Dead
Wrong Turn 3: Left for Dead
NR | 20 October 2009 (USA)
Wrong Turn 3: Left for Dead Trailers

A group of people find themselves trapped in the backwoods of West Virginia, fighting for their lives against a group of vicious and horribly disfigured inbred cannibals.

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
TheLittleSongbird Judging from my other reviews, you would not think that horror films would be my thing, especially very gory ones. Actually aim to have a diverse taste in film, so seeing films from all decades and genres with no bias intended. Plus have seen my fair share of horror franchises where at least one film has been good.Personally quite enjoyed the first two 'Wrong Turn' films, they weren't perfect or great but had a lot to recommend. The same cannot be said for 'Wrong Turn 3: Left for Dead', it contributed towards the 'Wrong Turn' series' decline and is one of the worst of the worst 'Wrong Turn' films. Its least bad assets are Tom Frederic, who at least tries, and moments of creepiness in the music when it wasn't being intrusive or discordant.The rest of the cast are poor, they accentuate that their very sketchily developed characters are either bland, obnoxious or both and impossible to care for. Plus there are some extremely variable accents going on. Tamer Hassan is the biggest dishonourable mention here. While the script may not have been strong suits as such in the previous two films, they at least had moments. The writing here was just pure stilted clichéd cheese, nothing witty here.While the stories were not perfect in the previous two films, being derivative and simplistic and the second film did have some dodgy moments in the first half too, they at least had atmosphere. Especially the first, where there was a lot of fun, tension-building, suspenseful claustrophobia and mystery that weren't quite as strongly delivered in the second (which still had atmosphere).Story here also makes the mistake of being formulaic and over-simplified, and further suffers from having none of what made the previous two films work. Everything is just too cheap, too safe, too predictable and too clean. It had a decent premise to work from, but starts dull, un-scary and dumb and stays like that all the way instead of doing the thankful 180 that the second film did.Visually, there is nothing slick, professional, inventive or atmospheric here. Particularly bad in this regard is the visual effects, the only thing that scary about them is how risible they are. The direction has no personality or professionalism of any kind, there isn't a sense of understanding the genre or how to overcome a less than lavish budget.Overall, a series that started off promisingly takes a deadly downturn for the worst. 2/10 Bethany Cox
Nath Caron Well I have to say that when it came out I thought it was complete trash because I was comparing it to the first two movies but now that the three other sequels are there its not that bad and especially if you liked the first two... Sure it's clearly not perfect and a lot of decisions for the plot are weird like the fact that they killed the only other cannibal and that the movie barely had scenes with the cannibals in. Other things bothered me like the CGI and the mask used for Three-finger. Personally I think that Declan O'Brien ruined the franchise and made it a joke, Valeri Milev isn't better but still the third was where it started to be bad and then came the fourth, the fifth and now the sixth... In the end this flick is fine I guess, disappointing but all right.
Thanos Karagioras "Wrong Turn 3: Left for Dead" is the third movie of the Wrong Turn series and I believe that this movie was the same boring and not good as the second. I also believe that the "Wrong Turn 2: Dead End" and "Wrong Turn 3: Left for Dead are really horrible and they do not have any relation with the first one which was really nice.I did not like this movie because I expected something more and better after I watched the second movie of this series which was not as good as the first and I thought that the third movie it would be more interesting and better than the second which was something that it did not happen for one more time.
SnakesOnAnAfricanPlain Well they did the teenage/young adults, they did a reality spin, now Wrong Turn takes on some prisoners. This is good, as we have no reason to give a damn about those up for the killing. It removes any need for character development, not usually a plus but we all know why we came to this film. It's a shame they've reduced the mutated hillbilly family to pretty much just one guy. There's needless gore, repetitive chase sequences and a bizarre car scene which is a mix of very bad greenscreen and location work. It was confusing. The ending really ticked me off though, the ultimate in tacked on, thoughtless, middle finger up to the audience endings. Even for something this cheap and quick, they could have at least respected the characters a tiny bit.
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