The Long Weekend
The Long Weekend
R | 05 August 2005 (USA)
The Long Weekend Trailers

Cooper is an actor who sees life as one big party, while Ed is in advertising and takes life too seriously. When Ed gets stressed over a deadline he has to meet, his brother Cooper works hard in trying to get his brother hooked up with a girl, thus a long weekend of stress and beautiful women, culminating in Ed meeting, and making love to, the woman of his dreams.

Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Kamila Bell This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
srdjan_veljkovic There are way too many clips in this movie. Obviously, it's from time before Youtube.A well known story, which, funny enough for a movie w/Cobie Smulders before HIMYM, echoes Barney Stinson telling Ted Mosby "I'm gonna teach you how to live", is not very-well carried out. The "Barney Stinson" of this movie (the older brother) is lacking any real plan or "plays". "Ted Mosby" of this story - the younger brother (who hooks up w/Robin Scherbatsky of this story, obviously) is not nearly so goofy or interestingly "out to lunch". He's mostly just whining.But, these guys and gals are having fun and do manage to crank up a few good jokes and some well placed (if immature and borderline disgusting) clips. Since you can see them having fun, you're kind of OK with it.So, it's an OK watch, but there are much better comedies.
jdogscoop The plot summary is thus: One playboy brother attempts to get less swingin' brother laid. The end.This movie is an absolute turkey, confirmed by the fact I could not stand watching it until the end. Chris Klein confirms his career is dying by agreeing to star in this stinker. Other stars are less than forgettable and the writer should have his hands chopped off for penning such rotting garbage.A strong contender for the worst movie of all time. Beware of any review above 3 stars - the reviewer obviously had someone else write it for them on account of their parents being first cousins.
doctrNIC An extremely poor film in EVERY sense of the term. It may have provided the occasional guffaw, but is far from funny. If however, you are a true fan of toilet humour, this film is for you! Poo and penises: this film would make an 8 year old laugh, and even he would have grasped all the depth of the jokes. The "flash of genius" of the hero at the end is far too predictable it's sad and you never really feel sympathetic towards the hero because frankly, there's not much of a character.Overall, it must have been a darn long weekend for the scriptwriters who must have written most of the plot with their hands behind their back, considering the result.The single scene worth remembering is Cooper's talk to God, whose voice is materialized by thunder and lightning. Other than that, nothing interesting.
sofiadelicia This movie was very funny, went to see it with a gang of friends and it made us all laugh. Its the film to go to if you just want to be entertained. Its a lot like other gross-out films like American Pie, Meet the parents etc...but with a twist and it takes gross-out one step further. The guys I was with picked this out but I have to say the girls did just as much laughing as they did. Chris Klein did an awesome job as Cooper - we were all a little surprised that he was so good. The Ed character was also cute he basically plays the typical Jason Biggs character but was very sweet. Would recommend to anyone who just wants to go and have a laugh.
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