Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice
Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice
R | 17 September 1969 (USA)
Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice Trailers

After returning to Los Angeles from a group therapy session, documentary filmmaker Bob Sanders and his wife, Carol, find themselves becoming vigilante couples counselors, offering unsolicited advice to their best friends, Ted and Alice Henderson. Not wanting to be rude, the Hendersons play along, but some latent sexual tension among the four soon comes bubbling to the surface, and long-buried desires don't stay buried for long.

WasAnnon Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Syl This film was quite revolutionary for the time period of 1969 about sexuality, marriage and fidelity. Two Los Angeles professional couples are Bob (Robert Culp) and Carol (Natalie Wood in a surprising role) and Ted (Elliott Gould) and Dyan Cannon (Alice) who spend the entire movie discussing sexuality and monogamy. The two couples are both attractive and successful and best friends with each other as well. The build-up scene for the foursome is quite developed and realistic. Both husbands have flings or one night stands while Alice is still a holdout for being faithful. The film begins with Bob and Carol at a new age institute common for the era. The film showed Los Angeles in the sixties as an up and coming city. They lead comfortable, successful lives but something seems missing . The surprise performance was Natalie Wood in her role.
Stephen Bird How am I feeling about this 1960's boring comedy with the most unoriginal title I've ever heard? The only thing I liked about Bob and Carol... etc is the presence of the fabulous Natalie Wood.With the abolished Hayes code, Hollywood began experimenting with more risqué content, including: sex, drugs, violence and anything else previously considered taboo, Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice wasn't immune from this new found freedom, as it is overly sexual and contains brief drug usage, in the form of marijuana being smoked from a pipe. But all things considered, how boring was this film? The acting was pretty decent, particularly from Natalie Wood who I consider an all time great actress, Dyan Cannon playing Alice also demonstrated her worth, but sadly the film lacked, maybe at the time of its release (1969) it could have been rated more highly, but sadly it hasn't aged very well at all..., it smacks of the sixties and the changing of society at the time. In the beginning, Bob and Carol attend a self help retreat, this changes Carol in a way and opens her eyes, so later on when Bob admits that he'd had an affair in San Francisco, she sees this treachery not as cheating, but as something rather positive..., however when she admits what Bob has done to her friends Ted and Alice, they are stunned, particularly Alice, she cannot believe what Bob has done, and cannot believe even more so how Carol is handling it!Eventually the couple come to terms with what their friends are doing and ease into a closer relationship with them, at the same time breaking every rule in the former Hayes Code. It's a "modern" tale of love that would've formerly been outlawed, the film smacks of freedom, and therefore the actual story and presentation of seriously lacks any real quality.A sheer step below Natalie Wood's standard, but another film to add to her brief library.
evanston_dad I finally got around to seeing what has been hailed as a seminal film from the 1960s and had the same reaction to it that I've had to every other Paul Mazursky film I've seen -- the man takes boffo premises and neuters them into vague, soft and unmemorable films. I'm willing to give "Bob & Carol...." etc. the benefit of the doubt and assume that it's too much a product of its time to make much sense to a younger viewer who wasn't around to experience the free love movement first hand. But I simply did not know what I was supposed to take away from this film. Robert Culp and a stunning Natalie Wood play a vapid couple who stay at a free love retreat and then implement what they learned in their own marriage, both having affairs and coming out stronger on the other side of them. Elliot Gould and Dyan Cannon play a more traditional and uptight couple who can't handle their friends' swinging ways. When the four of them decide to have a group orgy, they realize they can't go through with it, and the film's lurch from rom-com parody to serious sentimentality seems to imply that they (and we) have learned something from the experience, though what that something is I'm not sure.The whole movie is glib, presenting its characters as caricatures to be made fun of. I couldn't figure out from one moment to the next if Mazursky was exposing the free love movement as an excuse to be able to sleep with whoever you want free of guilt and avoid the emotional obligations that come with fidelity to a life partner; or whether he was condemning the stodgy attitude about marriage and criticizing the tendency of Americans to treat sex much more seriously than we should. I'm not sure he would know if asked.And as payment for seeing the ravishing Natalie Wood and the not-too-hard-on-the-eyes-herself Dyan Cannon in their underwear, I have to live with the image of Elliot Gould in nothing but a pair of underpants the size of an adult diaper tattooed on my retinas for eternity.Grade: C
Brian T. Whitlock (GOWBTW) The 60's, a decade of rebellion and expressionism can happen. With this movie, you got a great cast of stars to make this movie worthwhile. Robert Culp and Natalie Wood play Bob and Carol Sanders. An Los Angeles couple who just returned from a retreat to express "free love" to one another. Their friends Ted and Alice Anderson (Elliott Gould and Dyan Cannon) are the exact opposites of Bob and Carol. So what do they do? They head out to "Sin City", Las Vegas, Nevada. What is it? Not to gamble, but to have an orgy. Are they going to be content with that? It is to say. No one one was truly faithful with each other. Especially Bob and Carol. Even Ted was a very naughty man as well. So everyone gets one big room, get undressed and all four of them are in one big bed. Kissing each other: Bob and Carol and Ted and Alice. Hence the title. Of course, Bob did kiss Alice and Ted kiss Carol. After that night, it was very bewildering for all four of them. Back in the 60's, I thought only the hippies practice free love, who would ever know. Great movie, great plot, great cast. It's a gem one will never forget.5 stars!