Earth Girls Are Easy
Earth Girls Are Easy
PG | 12 May 1989 (USA)
Earth Girls Are Easy Trailers

In this musical comedy, Valerie is dealing with her philandering fiancé, Ted, when she finds that a trio of aliens have crashed their spaceship into her swimming pool. Once the furry beings are shaved at her girlfriend's salon, the women discover three handsome men underneath. After absorbing the native culture via television, the spacemen are ready to hit the dating scene in 1980s Los Angeles.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
iamyuno2 The production quality of this film is somewhat lacking and I think the title is awful, but the rest of this film is comic genius!!! You'll be cheating yourself if you don't see it. (I never get tired of seeing it, once every year or so. And it's one of those films I've felt the need to show to all my friends because it's too funny!!!)To those who might be deterred by the bad reviews on this site: I think the bad title is probably what led many to avoid the film years ago and what has led many on IMDb to give it bad reviews (I suspect these were knee-jerk feminists who reacted to the title and not the film itself which was written by a woman and is woman-sympathetic). The bad reviews are terribly unfair and not in line with the cutting edge comic tour de force here - lampooning not easy women (about which it really has nothing to do with) but the shallow California scene of its time.And for the feminists who missed the point: the FEMALE wins here!!! Get it???It's the male lead who's the bad guy. That's for starters. And any woman who dated a jerk is going to LOVE this movie - because the jerk gets his (I don't think I'm giving anything away here, because the movie is about much more than this). (Yet men like myself won't be offended by this fact; there are, of course, jerks of both sexes and they DESERVE to get theirs!)I have to wonder whether those who gave this movie anything less than a very good review actually saw the film or just hated the title. There are some very very funny scenes here - including Julie Brown's "Cause I'm a Blonde" song vignette, which is hilarious and memorable (and a song you won't ever forget!!!). A very young Jim Carrey is off the charts here, too, yet he's just one of a super-talented cast of heavyweights who score big in this film (his talents as an impressionist especially shine here, for example). You absolutely have to see Michael McKean in his role as the dumb California pool guy and Damon Wayans as Zeebo!!! These are comic performances that are among the very best on film and there are a wealth of vignettes you'll be referring to in conversations for years to come - so many I couldn't list them all here (the doughnut scene, for instance - the mention of which won't give anything away for those who haven't seen this - and the disco scene, which lampoons discos more than any other movie scene ever).Plus, this is heavyweight actor Geena Davis' best comic performance ever - and she's so endearing in this role. I don't think this fine actress has ever been filmed as lovingly or beautifully. Jeff Goldblum (then still her husband), too, puts in a solid job as a romantic lead and even gives realism to an out-of- this-world character (and the love and chemistry between him and Geena is palpable). The only bad thing about this film is the title. And it has NOTHING to do with the film! Yet I think it scared a lot of people away from seeing it. What a shame!!! This is a great comedy - super-inventive and funny and you absolutely have to tune out the bad reviews and see it!
wes-connors In sunny Southern California, skinny "valley girl" Geena Davis (as Valerie Gail) frets over two weeks with no sex from handsome doctor boyfriend Charles Rocket (as Ted Gallagher). When she finds out he's dating blonde nurses, Ms. Davis has a tantrum. Later, working on her tan, Davis is oblivious when an alien spaceship splash-lands in her pool. Diving in to investigate, she encounters the ship's inhabitants: Blue-furred Jeff Goldblum (as Mac), Red-furred Jim Carrey (as Wiploc) and Yellow-furred Damon Wayans (as Zeebo). Davis invites the aliens to stay over while aging surfer dude Michael McKean (as Woody) drains the pool so the ship can be repaired. Posing as an MTV band from Finland, the house-guests soak up local color by watching television...Because they are covered in fur, Davis takes the aliens to the "Curl Up & Dye" beauty shop where she works as a manicurist. There, sexy salon co-worker Julie Brown (as Candy Pink) gives the men a make-over. They look normal, but still act funny. Davis is attracted to Mr. Goldblum, but doesn't want aliens to think "Earth Girls Are Easy." Ms. Brown thinks Mr. Carrey's long tongue looks fun and Mr. Wayans' dancing stunt double gets a work-out. This hilarious film is one of the best-written comedies about American pop culture - with an emphasis on the 1980s. Brown with co-writers Charlie Coffey and Terrence E. McNally, director Julien Temple and star Davis are all award-worthy. The sound, cinematography (by Oliver Stapleton) and sets are totally awesome.********* Earth Girls Are Easy (9/9/88) Julien Temple ~ Geena Davis, Jeff Goldblum, Julie Brown, Jim Carrey
cafm I didn't think much of this film when I first saw it but since then I have watched it a number of times and, in the words of Beetlejuice, "it keeps getting funnier every single time!" I work at a busy video store and I'll often put this film on when I'm working Saturday night. It's always popular with customers who enjoy watching it as they browse, comment on how young Jim Carrey looks, and ask "What on earth is this?" as they get to the checkout counter. That's because its such a great looking film. The vibrant color palette with its bright primaries and 80s rehash of 1950s aesthetics is inspired production design. The film really has aged incredibly well and looks better today than when it was first released. Were it released today it could easily take its place beside any of the recent musical comedies that have come out in the last ten years.
ltlacey As was noted in another comment, this is one of those movies where you just sit back for a somewhat enjoyable ride. Davis, as usual, looks spectacular (still does) and plays the part perfectly: Kind of dumb but not as dumb as one would expect (by the way, what do all those dumb people do when they get older and cannot rely on their looks anymore?). This is your typical Valley Girl movie with all the usual characters and bells and whistles one would expect from nothing but fluff. But sometimes we need just plain fluff. Something that does not require too many brain cells to watch. And this movie fits the bill. Brown's musical numbers fit in well and flush out the movie, and as usual she's good at what she does. And though every character is over the top, it works.