Alien Autopsy
Alien Autopsy
PG-13 | 07 April 2006 (USA)
Alien Autopsy Trailers

Humouristic reconstruction of the 1995 scandal when two British lads were accused of having faked a documentary from the Roswell incident in 1947.

SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Lumsdal Good , But It Is Overrated By Some
BallWubba Wow! What a bizarre film! Unfortunately the few funny moments there were were quite overshadowed by it's completely weird and random vibe throughout.
Winifred The movie is made so realistic it has a lot of that WoW feeling at the right moments and never tooo over the top. the suspense is done so well and the emotion is felt. Very well put together with the music and all.
t_atzmueller I slid this DVD into the player without having done much research about the film, expecting a quality British comedy in the vein of "Hot Fuzz" or "Shawn of the Dead". Boy, was I ever wrong! Would I have done some research, I would have noticed that the protagonists stem from proletarian TV-shows like "Pop Idol", "xxx got Talent" and "I'm a celebrity, etc" - if only I had done this little research, the plastic-disc would not have come anywhere close to my player. The two "stars" (I cannot recall their names) aren't really actors or comedians in the classical sense, since they can neither act, nor are they remotely funny. I'd rather call them symptoms; symptoms for the decline in quality and standard in contemporary entertainment, and if you happen to be British, reading this right now – don't worry, we have the same symptoms plaguing TV, cinema and entertainment generally in Germany.The film actually features two real actors: Bill Pullman and Harry Dean Stanton, which only confirms that acting and prostitution have more in common than most actors would like to admit – and that 'dignity' isn't very high on the list of either trade. Then again, even actors need to eat and let's not forget Joan Crawford: academy award winner today, acting in "Trog" (1970) tomorrow.To be completely honest, I feel a little guilty writing this review in the first place, considering that I really cannot remember much about the film itself. This rarely happens to me, since I have a rather good memory for films. Just another indication of how forgettable this film is.But perhaps I'm too old-fashioned and simply not among the target-audience. Perhaps you, dear reader, have enjoyed contemporary slapstick comedies like "Epic Movie" or "Meet the Spartans"; in that case I might well recommend you "Alien Autopsy" (if your attention-span allows you to remember this reviews headline by the time you've reached the end).Still, 1 point out of 10 from me (and that only because there is no zero rating on IMDb).
Jacob Jones For most of you that don't know what this film is about, it is about the events of a somewhat Alien spacecraft crashing into Roswell in 1947, in that year there was also an Alien Autopsy, the Alien Autopsy was then filmed by a cameraman that worked for the US Military, he was called out to an airbase that he had never heared of, to film this autopsy, soon after he filmed the autopsy, he took home the film and a week later the US military was suppose to have picked it up, but no-one ever came for it.Soon after this, Ray Santilli and Gary Shoefield went out to America to buy Elvis merchandise, whilst out there, the cameraman sold the Alien Autopsy film to Santilli and that he was a foreigner, he would have never heared of it again, soon after he had raised enough money to buy this film, Santilli brought it back home to London to show it to his family and friends.As he then soon realises, the film had eaten itself, the film is no longer viewable except some parts being regained by Shoefield's auntie which works in a film studio. She then asks for Jeffery, whom works in a film lab, to recover the lost footage, he then says: "Don't hold your breath" as in, don't get your hopes up, the regaining of some of the footage in this film is nearly non existent.Santilli then has to remake this Alien Autopsy in Shoefield's sisters house, which she is in Ibiza for a week, but Shoefield's sister comes home early and she then collapses after seeing the fake Alien being.Overall, this is a pretty good film, really good comedy, and the direction is not to shabby, this film is mainly a British comedy, and some of the Americans don't know about it, and for some chaps that the Americans may have not heared of before (Ant and Dec) they were really good actors in it.Recommended to watch if your a Sci-fi buff, Comedy buff, and a Drama buff, all in one.
tudoralex I looked for the bad comments.. and there are almost only from UK. So.. I don't understand why they have to make this movie have such a low rating. It's one of your own movies guys! And I like English comedy a lot... because this two guys are from a show or I don't know what else... it doesn't mean that this movie it's not entertaining. It really is... and I would like to find many more movies like this one. but what should i do? look for movies that they have a 4.6 score? There are so many really bad American comedies with much better ratings. I really wonder if those guys, that gived this ratings, like them more. sorry for my pathetic English...and comment. With respect, Alex
Dom Jerams I was impressed by the ease of Ant and Dec when they were able to step in to the roles. Both added extra comments in scenes of conversation that you don't see (or hear) in major films today which make it seem like realistic conversations.Before watching this film I saw a documentary with Eamonn Holmes about the story of the real hoax and you were able to see that the writers of the film had to make the film more interesting because it would have been extremely boring. The Hungarian gangster was added because Ray and Gary had to collect money over a few years after the USA visit. Also if you think about it, the fake cameramen who did the interview could be the real cameraman and the Harry Dean Stanton character could be based on a fake.I can't believe that this movie is so underrated because it is both a British feel good comedy and leaves you thinking at the end whether the footage is another hoax or real proof of alien life. The people who have added negative comment on this film are being fickle because they are philistines who prefer Hollywood films and can't watch a film with no special effects or actors who have been in other big films.