PG-13 | 13 February 1998 (USA)
Sphere Trailers

A spacecraft is discovered on the floor of the Pacific Ocean, presumed to be at least 300 years old and of alien origin. A crack team of scientists and experts is assembled and taken to the Habitat, a state-of-the-art underwater living environment, to investigate.

Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
ergine The first 30 minutes create an enticing premise for a great sci-fi story. After that it just becomes a mess with very little logic. It is just a cheap thriller and the potential of the cast is never met.Even though it tries to be philosophical and psychological with echoes of other id-machine classics, it is sadly void of any real psychological meta-space.
KineticSeoul I thought the start was pretty good, with it's mystery and tension. Which is composed of navy divers and scientists. They are deployed into the deep sea to investigate a mysterious alien object which is in the shape of a sphere. The thing is once the crew finds the sphere it becomes really boring without much substance. This just didn't seem like one of those deep ambiguous movie that people will watch over and over again to understand a bit better. Majority of the film is composed of hallucination, strange things going down with paranoia and horror. I did think the cinematography with it's claustrophobic settings was quite effective. With the style of a film such as this, I expected a bit more depth to it. I remember watching this movie as a kid in a theater and was confused about what was going on. However watching this now as an adult, I still couldn't get myself to appreciate the story. It just wasn't a rewarding experience, despite the really good visuals and special effects. I also give this movie a 5 because at least it tried to build tension and horror without relying a lot on blood and gore. 5/10
bernie-122 This film blew me away when I first saw it. Unfortunately, 18 years later, it is just embarrassing. I'm not sure why I didn't notice back then that it is just crammed with unnecessary hysterics and over-the-top drama. Most of the characters are just plain annoying, and the story just doesn't seem to make sense. Did it make sense 18 years ago? Probably not, but the effects must have been dazzling enough to mask the lack of a cohesive plot. And to allow it to run for what is now obviously an excessively long time.One of the worst, yet most often committed mistakes in any film that involves spacesuits/diving suits is the inclusion of a bright lamp INSIDE the helmet. Obviously, this is done to improve the lighting for the camera. You don't need to be very intelligent to know that this light inside the helmet will absolutely destroy all visibility for the wearer. All he/she will see is glare. And yet, nearly every filmmaker does it. Here is no exception, although I will admit it's not the worst. But use of this lame lighting trick reflects either stupidity or bare contempt for the viewer. I can't help it, it ruins the whole film for me, no matter what other merits it might have.But this one ruined itself, it didn't need the helmet light to do that. It's unfortunate; I anticipated a very rewarding experience going into this viewing so many years later. I now wish I hadn't bothered. My memory of the film is now also ruined.
gavin6942 A spaceship is discovered under three hundred years' worth of coral growth at the bottom of the ocean.Rotten Tomatoes gives the film a score of 12% based on 50 reviews, with the critical consensus that "Sphere features an A-level cast working with B-grade material, with a story seen previously in superior science-fiction films." Indeed, one wonders what Sharon Stone and Dustin Hoffman were doing in this. Hoffman, of course, was brought on by the director, his friend Barry Levinson. But Stone should have had better projects.Some aspects of this are interesting, and even though it was a flop at the time, I could see people today (2015) going back and really giving it a second chance. It has not become a better film with age, but it has something to say about science fiction films of the 1990s. (Most, it seems, were dystopian, so this is something of a fresh change.)