White Noise
White Noise
PG-13 | 07 January 2005 (USA)
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An architect's desire to speak with his wife from beyond the grave using EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon), becomes an obsession with supernatural repercussions.

Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
SnoopyStyle Successful architect Jonathan Rivers (Michael Keaton) is overjoyed when his wife Anna (Chandra West) reveals her pregnancy. Then she disappears. Jonathan confronts Raymond Price (Ian McNeice) who's been following him. Raymond who lost his son tells him about Electronic Voice Phenomenon and that he has received messages from Anna. Her body is found having drowned. Six months later, Jonathan moves into an apartment and strange electronic things continue. He becomes convinced about EVP. He goes to Raymond who is now helping Sarah Tate (Deborah Kara Unger) with her lost fiancé. As he obsessively decipher the electronic signals, he encounters menacing spirits and even those who are not dead quite yet.Michael Keaton is past his early successes and is yet to gain his resurgent accolades. It's a time period when he was a has-been doing limited work. If nothing else, this movie's success shows that he can still be the lead. I really like the cold static moody atmosphere. I don't think the son is necessary but it's where the story goes that leaves me a bit cold. The spirits are a disappointment. The near-death messages idea is where the movie goes down the wrong path. The moody ghost story turns into a muddled thriller. The spirits' climatic battle is a mess. This movie starts good but ends poorly.
FlashCallahan Jonathan Rivers has become a widower, wallowing in deep confusion over the death of his wife. A paranormal expert approaches him with the the ability to hear his wife from beyond the grave. Through a form of unusual communication, Jonathan will finally be able to see his wife. But in doing so, he has drawn himself into a much more dangerous place when his curiosity becomes an obsession. But his obsession will have him confront those not of this world, and some of them don't approve of Jonathan's interference.......If you've ever wanted to spend literally 90 minutes watching Michael Keaton looking depressed, ignoring his son, and staring at snow on several TVs, this is the movie for you.Anyone else, its a generic, boring horror movie, with a sound idea and a decent cast. Sax seems to think that to scare an audience you have to accompany a scare with a very loud noise.It's not scary, it's annoying as you cannot help but jump, like being poked by a cattle prod.Keaton is good, but his role is pretty thankless, and the final scene is just silly.When the direct to DVD sequel is better than the theatrical version, you know you've done something wrong....
mikelepost I'm grading White Noise on a very generous curve, mainly because it wasn't entirely the garbage I expected and it has a few merits, chief among them some competent direction and a decent central performance by Michael Keaton. He's a very likable, engaging character ... whatever happened to his career? I don't know.Anyhow, the basic plot is that Keaton's wife doesn't come home one night and before long the police locate her car and it's looking very likely that she's never coming home again. A few days later, this fat guy whose name escapes me shows up and tells Keaton that his wife is in fact dead and she's been contacting him (the FG) from beyond the grave. It turns out this gentleman is a bit of an obsessive in EVP, which proposes that the dead can communicate with the living through electronic devices. Keaton is skeptical, but when he begins to receive strange, garbled telephone calls and electronic messages he becomes obsessed with communicating with his late wife. What he doesn't realize is that the signals he's sending out are attracting not only his wife but also unfriendly spirits who may mean him harm.The movie is initially intriguing, but it didn't take long for the plot contrivances to start piling up and killing the suspense. For example, we never understand how the Fat Guy knew that the spirit who's been communicating with him (through foggy images and garbled language) was Keaton's wife. We're also asked to believe that Keaton accepts EVP purely on the basis of a few creepy phone calls, although his wife is a famed author and may have some unhinged fans. As the plot moves along, Keaton finds himself connected with a string of violent accidents and a murder. The police never question him about his repeated involvement in these events. The Fat Guy is apparently murdered - Keaton never reflects on this or seems to ask why.The bigger problem for me though is that the movie is so damn derivative, especially of The Mothman Prophecies, a far better movie that came out 3 years earlier. We get the obligatory shadowy figures moving behind an unsuspecting character and loud jump scares but that's really it. The film is extremely short on original imagery or atmosphere and there was literally nothing on screen that I hadn't seen in other (better) movies: aside from Mothman there were serious echoes of The Grudge and The Ring. For a movie about mysterious messages from beyond the grave, there was a real dearth of imagination and the whole thing just felt tepid.Really not worth watching on anything but free cable.
kth-lafountaine I am one of the many who believe that there are such things as ghosts. This film delivers its first large impact in the beginning when you see that a husband and wife were very close to each other and in some accident, his wife dies. The concept of EVP is very believable seeing as how real paranormal investigators use EVP the same way as presented in the movie. I also like Micheal Keaton as a choice for this movie. Every actor is different and I think Keaton's performance during his mourning period is very believable. I also like Keaton's performance once he is introduced to EVP. His first visit to the EVP guy's house is more of a "I'm still skeptical but these things are happening and I want to know why" kind of visit. Once he listens to his wife on the recording he understands this isn't some joke and that he can communicate with his wife from beyond the grave. If you get past the horror aspect of the movie, the entire plot revolves around Keaton and West's love for each other.