Jonah Hex
Jonah Hex
PG-13 | 18 June 2010 (USA)
Jonah Hex Trailers

Gunslinger Jonah Hex is appointed by President Ulysses Grant to track down terrorist Quentin Turnbull, a former Confederate officer determined on unleashing hell on earth. Jonah not only secures freedom by accepting this task, he also gets revenge on the man who slayed his wife and child.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
GazerRise Fantastic!
RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
Mihai Toma With a mutilated face and his name on the wanted list, Jonah Hex is recruited by the president of the U.S.A. to track down his not so deceased arch enemy, Quentin Turnbull (who is building a weapon of mass destruction against his own country).This is all you need to know about the plot because the rest is redundant. Jonah is a bad-ass shooter with deadly reflexes who uses his ability to talk to the dead in order to track down Quentin, the person who killed his entire family. Throughout the entire movie, he kills and kills, one "bad guy" after another until the final fight which is as disappointing as the entire film. A cliché story with lots of shooting finishing with a very expected finale. You must be a real fan of this type of movies to find something good in it but because I don't agree with senseless killing (which only try to cover up an non-existent story).I say that it's another average movie which doesn't do anything to stand out from the crowd. Jonah Hex, as a character, has a bit of potential with his awesome skills but he cannot carry an entire movie only with his gun. Too bad
DeadSpiderEye You know there's trouble ahead when you're barely into the first reel and find the narrative being conveyed through a series of voice overs accompanied by some crummy animation. It's a clear sign that they run out of money somewhere, that or one of the major cast members refused to deliver any more lines. The rumour concerning this film is that both those contingencies occurred during the re-shoot, a re-shoot by the way, prompted purely by the motive to destroy the film. It seems it's a another case of Howard the Duck, quite how people can get away with that kind of thing and stay out of gaol is a mystery of the magnitude that would stump Jonah himself but it's something that persists in the US film industry.So what we're left with is barely a film at all, it's not much more than a series of roughly assembled tableaux accompanied by music. The plot is impenetrable, senseless even and as an adaption of a comic strip character it ranks almost as bad as Batman and Robin.
Terryfan Once again DC Comics took another try with one of their comic book characters and give them their own motion picture.This time however we get Jonah Hex a character I never knew existed in the DC world because all I knew were Batman, Superman and others After watching this movie now I know why I haven't heard of Jonah Hex.But from what I have learn from both the movie and research on the comic character himself is that he's a western comic book anti-heroHex is a surly and cynical bounty hunter whose face is horribly scarred on the right side. Despite his poor reputation and personality, Hex is bound by a personal code of honor to protect and avenge the innocent.Now the movie has Josh Brolin playing the part of Jonah Hex and some praise his performance and thought he was the right actor for the role, I will have to agree he did a good job as the anti-hero of the film. He has a woman who works as a call girl Lilah played by Megan Fox.At the time I watch this movie it was because Megan Fox was in it and she did have some fair acting in the film as well as having a clever girl moment in the film. The film's main antagonist is Quentin Turnbull played by John Malkovich and he is a sick monster in the film and John deliver an twisted performance in the film. But the performance is not the three main cast members who give some good performance in the film the film's problem is the film itself it has too many dark scenes and graphic to boot, there also scenes that prove to be too intense for movie goersAnd I don't know how many know of Jonah Hex it's one of those characters you either know about or don't know about either way this film will not make you a fan of Jonah Hex because the script feels plain as the best word I can give it. Jonah Hex also has some powers like he can bring the dead back to life for just a few moments to gain informationIt's just hard to take this film even seriously, it just feels broken like they wanted to make a movie just to get a paycheck and to bring in on Megan's success in the "Transformers" filmsOverall the film is still graphic and hard to even consider serious but Josh, John and Megan performances are the only thing worth left to say about this film.I give Jonah Hex an 5 out of 10
SnoopyStyle Confederate commanding officer Quentin Turnbull (John Malkovich) kills Jonah Hex (Josh Brolin)'s family and brands him after he refused an order and killed Turnbull's son who was actually Hex's friend. He is saved by Indians who impart him the ability to communicate with the dead. Turnbull supposedly died after the war and Hex becomes a bounty hunter. Turnbull is actually alive and with his men, he steals a secret advance weapon to attack on the 4th of July. President Grant sends Lieutenant Grass (Will Arnett) to find Hex to stop Turnbull. Hex is at a brothel with prostitute Lilah (Megan Fox).The movie is extremely thin with a plot that is way too simple and characters that are one dimensional. It feels disjointed and mostly, it feels half-finished. The 81 minute running time can attest to that. It still runs out of steam pretty quickly. Brolin is grumpy with only half of a face. Fox has limited screen for both good and bad. Malkovich and Fassbender are capable villains. There is some action but it's not terribly exciting. The problem is that the characters are flat and not that interesting.