Random Hearts
Random Hearts
R | 08 October 1999 (USA)
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After losing their spouses in a plane crash, an internal affairs cop and a congresswoman find each other's keys in each other's loved ones' possessions and discover that the two were having an affair.

MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Griff Lees Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
bkoganbing Sydney Pollack kept a tight directorial rein on his stars and his cast in Random Hearts. As a result you get a romantic film both tender and expressive in their faces. Good thing that Harrison Ford and Kristin Scott Thomas have faces that the camera loves.They are the most unlikeliest of lovers. The only other way that these two would meet is if Washington, DC cop Ford was ever assigned to a security detail Representative Thomas. Unlikely as Ford's assignment is Internal Affairs. But somewhere their spouses Susanna Thompson and Peter Coyote did meet. In fact they've been meeting regularly for some time now.It all comes to light when the two are killed in a plane crash that goes down in the Potomac River. As one of them is traveling under an assumed name and the other lied about her destination it does take someone with the mind of an investigator to track it down. Depending on your point of view of how fortunate for Ford that he is one.Both Ford and Thomas are dealing with other issues. Ford and his partner Charles Dutton have just busted Dennis Haysbert, a cop who was shaking down social club operators for protection money. In fact in a very interesting hostage scene Ford puts Haysbert in custody. You have to see the film alone for how he handles that.As for Thomas she's facing a multi-millionaire opponent for her seat which is one of the two in New Hampshire. Not really a good time for dirty laundry to be aired. We never see her opponent, but he's one of those family values types so we know exactly what she can expect.Still these two become a comfort to each other and soon enough become quite a bit more. How their worlds eventually publicly intersect is for you to see Random Hearts.In a modern urban setting Random Hearts is a love story, the kind that Hollywood used to do so well. Bid kudos to Sydney Pollack and his stars and cast for delivering on this one.
juneebuggy Dubbed as a 'drama' I would categorize it more 'romance' and in saying that I'm not sure how I feel about watching Harrison Ford in a full-on love scene? Uncomfortable is a word that comes to mind.So anyways Harrison plays a "tough-minded internal affairs cop" (big stretch) whose wife is killed in a plane crash. Kristin Scott Thomas is a congresswoman he develops a relationship with when its discovered that her husband (also killed in plane crash) was having an affair with his wife.Intriguing enough premise, a little dull with the execution. I did find it interesting though how Ford's character "Dutch" dealt with his grief, by becoming obsessed with learning the details of his wife's affair, treating it as a case. "Kay" on the other hand just wanted to sweep the whole mess away. The ongoing score of (loud) piano music was very distracting. 06.13
writers_reign Okay, Billy Wilder got their first with Avanti in which Jack Lemmon and Juliette Mills journey to Ischia to claim the respective bodies of his father and her mother who have been killed in a road accident, only to discover that they have been meeting on the island for years clandestinely. They start out as antagonists and end up in the sack, natch. Here Sydney Pollack puts a little spin on it inasmuch as Ford and Scott Thomas are not on a vacation island thousands of miles from home when - in this case - their spouses rather than parents - fail to survive a plane crash. Pollack also allows us to see both Ford and Scott Thomas at work whereas Lemmon on Mills had left their day jobs behind. Still there are enough similarities for plagiarism to rear its ugly head, so what else is knew. This eluded me on release and I found a Russian version in a Thrift Shop, recognized Scott Thomas on the box, know she always delivers so took it home. I was pleasantly surprised, especially after reading the first few pans here on IMDb. Scott Thomas was good as ever and a tad warmer than she often plays and works well with Ford who probably was, as someone remarked, a touch old for the role. Overall I enjoyed it and may well give it another whirl in a year or so.
tntcolorado I had to write after reviewing the narrow opinions shown. If any of you know of anyone who cheated on their spouse and then died without explaining the reasons, you will have to appreciate this film. The needing to know, the desire to know exactly when the affair started, the want to know what the other attraction the other had that you did not, all of those answers...the rummaging around personal belongings to find some logical inference, the mission to make it all make sense...All to find nothing that will fill in the gaps. This movie depicted the horrors to one's own identity and self confidence. This will always be one of my favorites.