PG-13 | 13 July 1990 (USA)
Ghost Trailers

Even though Sam Wheat, the successful investment counsellor, still finds it difficult to express his deeper feelings for her after all these years, his young potter girlfriend, Molly Jensen, is the love of his life. However, a curious case of a systematic discrepancy will prepare the ground for a hideous urban homicide in one of Manhattan's dark alleys, trapping, seemingly forever, the unfortunate deceased's immortal soul in the realm of the mortals. With the condemned spirit unable to interact with the physical world--and as Molly's life, too, is in grave danger--Sam will have to turn to the spiritual medium, Oda Mae Brown, to warn and protect her. Can Oda and the ghost settle the unfinished business in time?

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Adeel Hail Unshakable, witty and deeply felt, the film will be paying emotional dividends for a long, long time.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
asc85 The most interesting thing about this movie before it was released in the Summer of 1990 was that there was no hype about it. I remember that Premiere Magazine did their annual Top 20 prediction list of what would gross the most money that summer, and Ghost wasn't even in their list of 20. But the critical reviews were high, and the word-of-mouth was so strong, that it ended up being the #1 summer flick that year. As I said in the Summary Title, anyone who can make Demi Moore and Whoopi Goldberg come off as being likable and sympathetic is a genius, whether that was the director, the editor, or maybe just a little bit of both.
jacklyn_lo This is a supernatural thriller about a life after death. Sam, the main protagonist, was murdered by his best friend Carl. Sam's physical body was buried, but his soul stays alive and wanders around as a ghost.The new existence is a new experience for Sam - he not only has to adapt to it, but also to protect his beloved girlfriend and to get revenge.As a ghost, Sam leans new skills – the ability to go through material objects, such as walls or people, to influence on the world around him by the power of his will and to be heard by a psychic.After their death, Carl and his accomplice also become ghosts. We see supernatural entities such as demons that came to Earth to take away both murderers.The culmination of the movie is sad, but positive - the murderers have been punished and Sam is taken to Heaven by the power of Light.
Leofwine_draca Jerry Zucker, who previously had directed such comedies as AIRPLANE! and TOP SECRET, turned to drama for the first time in this gentle romance which has much going for it. Although it has literally tons of sentimentality and schmaltzy love scenes, these are all handled rather effectively by the director; even though Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore aren't the world's greatest actors they handle their roles efficiently.This reviewer may even have shed a tear or two during the endless heartbreaking moments. However, leaving the mush aside for a moment, the special effects in this film are the main reason for watching, done by none other than Industrial Light & Magic, who would later go on to helm big budget modern hits like TERMINATOR 2.The scenes of Swayze, in ghost form, walking through doors and people are done very effectively, as are the scenes of heaven which are predominant in the final scenes. However the best special effects are the shadows, creatures which come from the darkness to drag those who have committed vile sins in life down to hell. These creatures make really scary noises and are quite unnerving, especially if you're watching at night all alone.With lots of action sequences (the one where Swayze chases his murderer through a building and then the street, using his newly found powers to strike him repeatedly, being the standout) and another excellent scene involving a subway ghost, who is initially frightening but turns out to be okay after all, GHOST is a pleasing combination of romance, comedy, thriller, fantasy and mystery for the hanky brigade. Deservedly winning a number of Oscars (for the special effects), GHOST is a surprising delight, a mainstream film which isn't so bad after all.
FlashCallahan Sam Wheat is a banker (that's not rhyming slang), Molly Jensen is an artist, and the two are madly in love, thanks to Unchained Melody. However, when Sam is murdered, instigated by friend and corrupt business partner Carl Bruner over a shady business deal, he is left to roam the earth as a powerless spirit. When he learns of Carl's betrayal, Sam must seek the help of psychic Oda Mae Brown to set things right and protect Molly from Carl and his cat loving henchman, Willie Lopez.....It's true, the more times you watch this film, the more schmaltzy it becomes, but there is something really raw and powerful in what is otherwise a poor mans Truly Madly Deeply, with added murder.The narrative and story are simple, Sam must find a way to protect his soul mate, so he seeks help from the weird looking like on the subway, and Whooping Goldberg, easily the best thing about the film.But what makes the film rise above its smoochy, saccharine origins is the fact that it can be really dark and visceral at times, which makes it the fondly remembered movie it is. One minute you are laughing at Goldbergs fake seances and truly wonderful chemistry with Swayze, the next you are in the middle of a very unsettling dream sequence/vision Sam has when he is shot.So even though the film does lay on the romance thickly, and there are some genuinely funny scenes involving Goldberg, it's the visceral, unsettling moments that stick with you. You'll always remember Willie and Carl being taken away, rather then the guy on the operating table, because it grabs you, and the scene itself feels cold and murky, just like where they are heading.So all in all, it's romantic Swayze turned up to ten, but just as the film gets that little to tender, that little too schmaltzy, the makers give you a jolt that snaps you out of it.Which saves it, more than you'd know.And Sam would never say that.