Liberty Stands Still
Liberty Stands Still
R | 18 January 2002 (USA)
Liberty Stands Still Trailers

As the heir and current marketing director for one of the nation's biggest gun manufacturers, Liberty Wallace is indifferent to the atrocities made possible through her business and her CEO husband, Victor. On her way to see her actor lover, Liberty ends up chained to a food cart full of explosives -- all at the insistence of "Joe", a sniper whose young daughter was a victim of gun violence, and who now has Liberty in his sights.

Diagonaldi Very well executed
Steineded How sad is this?
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Michael O'Keefe Liberty Wallace(Linda Fiorentino)and her husband(Oliver Platt)are partners in the business of weapons manufacturing. A mysterious gunman calling himself Joe(Wesley Snipes)calls Liberty on her cell phone luring her to a hot dog stand to which she is coerced into chaining herself. Joe tells her that if she hangs up her cell phone or it runs out of power a bomb strapped to the hot dog stand will go off. Joe is trying to make a point telling her that his daughter was killed in a school shooting with the same model high power rifle that is being targeted on her. Liberty is given the chance to actually die a hero if she is willing to make public dirty dealings her husband has made with political implications. When Mr. Wallace is informed of his wife's hostage situation; he must decide to protect himself, save his company or keep his wife from being killed. Also in the cast: Martin Cummins, Steve Pascal and Jonathan Scarfe.
Comeuppance Reviews This is it... The beginning of the end of Wesley Snipes. He has gone straight to video. He hadn't crossed into Seagal territory yet - at this stage of his career. But he did later. Trust me. The plot is about Liberty (Fiorentino) who is the wife of a gun manufacturer (Platt). She is held hostage outside, in a Los Angeles park, by Joe (Snipes) who is blaming his daughter's death on her.How heavy-handed could this movie get? This is "subtlety" at it's worst. In a nutshell: "don't blame the person who pulled the trigger, blame the manufacturer." Besides that, the performances are strong. Snipes is always good. Fiorentino puts some energy into her role, but it still looks like she's sleepwalking. Overall, it's for Snipes fans only.For more insanity, please visit:
Rick Blaine Kari Skogland does an excellent job keeping this taut thriller shot in Vancouver together. If you know who Linda Fiorentino is, then that's enough reason right there to watch and she doesn't disappoint - in fact she carries most of the movie. And you may be a Wesley Snipes fan, but odds are you've not seen him do something like this before. There's also a bit role for Oliver Platt and a tonne of extras or 'almost extras', and the way Skogland sets her shots is attention-getting.Now you're going to run into the pro-Columbine people who say 'but you should have presented both sides of the issue'. To these spineless mugwumping weasels I say the following: in perhaps no country save South Africa is there as much violence as in the US. The likelihood of getting shot and killed in the US is more than four times as great as in Europe.Those are not opinions either, so there's no point complaining people have to present both sides of the issue. Those are facts.This movie is scary; it is raw; and it's made (and written) by someone with conviction. See it and be convinced.
patriot1732 This review may contain a few plot spoilers - if you can consider this dog even containig a plot.This is nothing more than an anti-gun; anti-NRA propaganda film. The entire plot is weak and serves as nothing more than a liberal soapbox against guns. The acting and story lines are weak. The premise that they cannot evacuate a live theater because "someone welded the exit doors shut" in order to create some tension in the movie is a joke. For someone that is supposed to be so corrupt (LIberty) to think being held hostage will make her "See the light" and take a stand and act against the evils of gun is utter nonsense. Even the police are lame - "the fire department hasn't arrived because they're held up in traffic"? PLEASE!!!! Give the viewer more credit for intelligence than that.And what's with this guy sitting in a dressing room with a laser pointed at him? The whole theater troop thing is lame as well. Snipes has been in some dogs but this one should be "curbed".