| 14 December 1984 (USA)
Birdy Trailers

Two young men are seriously affected by the Vietnam War. One of them has always been obsessed with birds - but now believes he really is a bird, and has been sent to a mental hospital. Can his friend help him pull through?

Steineded How sad is this?
Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
theslickmover Over 2 hours of film ending with 2 of the lamest 2 jokes. "There wasn't anything I wanted to say" and the suggestion he had tried to fly.Nothing happens of any significance and the story of what broke birdy was covered in literally 30 seconds.In short Mathew's obsessed with birds and his life was rather dull before he turned into a mute. Cages character is of a cool man about town who's character wouldn't have spent a minute hanging around with Modines unless they were stuck on an island, even then I wouldn't bet on it.I guess you're supposed to think at the end of the movie they are going to go back to acting like teenagers again ?
Walter Kovacs I didn't see a large number of such multi-layered films like "The Birdy", which has not only a dramatic & emotional story, but in addition hidden (inside?) serious philosophical topics about mankind and human inside the exteriorly story. By the way I couldn't really believe when I had known about the fact of Nicolas Cage's being 20 years in his performance. The leading line is a story about perfect friendship of a pair of opposites and this friendship seems so weird to me because of a great contrast between 2 different persons, but maybe it is attraction of opposites there. But this story is only general background for unveiling such global problems: an individual and society and their conflicts, the meaning of dreams for human, freedom, humanity, types of love, human faith and one of the key ideas about "People need each other", "homo homini amicus est". I don't like making a distinction between Birdy and El as introvert and extrovert, or "a man with poor in spirit" and "a man with a willing spirit", cause both sides had fears and were weakling, thinking that they would run away. Nicolas Cage's character was trying to escape from himself, Matthew Modine's character wanted to shelter from a cold reality under his solitary shell. Unfortunately, they both were egregiously wrong, that's why I reckon that no one was mentally stronger and consequently they were in need of support from each other. Towards the end of the movie it becomes more and more depressive - Cage's final monologue is totally hopeless, 2 "crazy" men having no way out. However, the final scene so purifies that you will be feeling a huge relief after all, despite a constant exertion throughout the ending. There's nothing to say about brilliant playing of Modine and Cage - they did awesome work, really "young" geniuses. The Alan Parker's movie is a kind of trip from high-state dreams into the core of the hell called "life" sometimes .
chf_2258 I think I first watched this on cable back in the 80's and liked it a lot but I'm not sure I appreciated it until I recently saw it again. The first time I was about 18 and enjoyed the bond that these two buddies forged from what seemed like important events in high school to more daunting issues that soldiers have to face and resolve. Plus I had a couple of friends in high school that reminded me of these the affable Italian ladies-man and one the somewhat eccentric who fights for what he believes in. After this recent viewing I appreciated the acting, cinematography, and story-telling much more. This film deserved more commercial accolades but maybe that's the penalty you face for flying out of the mainstream.
jkenny-2 I have only one thing to add about this movie, which I just watched for the first time. It has the MOST PERFECT ending of any movie ever! Those who say detracting things about the ending must not get it, must not have been paying attention! The director has been building up, so expertly, an incredible sense of tension whether or not Birdy's old neighborhood buddy will be able to reach his shattered mind. In the last split second, we find out. The abruptness is not a "gag"; it sums up the tale perfectly. Jeesh! Just think about it, would ya?...What a great, realistic, thoughtful, touching flick! AND WHAT A GREAT ENDING!