R | 27 January 1989 (USA)
Pin Trailers

Pin, a plastic medical dummy, has been the fixation of Leon since youth. Now grown up and orphaned in an accident, Leon brings Pin home to live with him and his sister Ursula, much to her reluctance. Soon, however, Leon's fixation on Pin spirals out of control, and Ursula must face the devastating consequences.

SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
leozeroufo I stumbled upon this movie late one night and after viewing it i immediately called at least 3 people even though it was probably 3 am, Telling them what a bizarre and different movie i had just seen. Its a horror movie to be sure but not blood and guts slasher. something else is happening with this movie and i wish more movies could be this intense, with it's silly premise which becomes less silly and more harrowing as you watch. I feel like i could almost compare it to Silent Night Deadly Night in a way without the holiday theme. anyways just watch the damn film. it will make you uncomfortable but utterly Rewarding as an 80's underrated gem.
Tango and Cash Great production values here! Looks sharp - not like a grainy, cheap 80s movie. Looks like it could have been made only a few years ago. This is is a really cool movie but I wanted it it go further. For example (spoiler coming here), in the scene in which child Leon hides behind the closet in the office and he watches the nurse put Pin on top of her...YES!! I wanted more of weird sh#t like that. I thought that ... this sounds weird and aggressive .... but I thought that there should have been a rape scene or something else twisted sexually involving Pin with Leon's sister. I thought the movie as is was a little bit "light". Do you agree? If not please don't roast me for it. Just my opinion. I also thought it was too slow. I wanted more action, more events, and more twisted, weird stuff to happen. But overall it was good. Maybe my 4/10 score lowballs it a little bit but I really did want more. Fantastic idea though! This one is ripe for a remake. Maybe John Carpenter can get to it before he passes away.
Foreverisacastironmess Who's the puppet, who's the master? I just love this film, there's no other quite like it. I think it's a beautifully crafted and perfectly balanced tale of the tragedy of one young man as he gradually loses his grip on reality and eventually his whole mind. Although it's definitely on the extreme fringes of being one, it's no true horror movie, as there are no monsters, gore or torture in it. It's much more of a very dark and twisting psychologically-layered thriller which is based on strong performances by well-developed characters that you actually care about, and a simple & straightforward story that moves along at a smooth and engaging pace. So it's not really about spookiness, but there's certainly a strong unsettling vibe that runs through it. I think it's really up to the viewer's perspective if there's any supernatural elements involved in Pin, the story is as dark and fantastical as your own mind allows it to be. I love the haunting and bittersweet music score which I always remembered when I thought of this film. A lot of the music is very poignant and ethereal, and there are some extremely weird sound effects placed here and there at specific moments that sound almost like growling and thunder.. It all helps to give the film its eerie and gripping tone and distinct appeal. David Hewlett was so awesome in this, it's the best acting that I've ever personally seen from the guy. To me it's his fantastic performance that really drives this movie onward so brilliantly. You can tell he was working hard to make a strong impression with his character. He's very low-key about it, most actors who play schizophrenic/split-personality characters tend to overdo it, but what's interesting about the way Hewlett played it is that he portrays a slight neurosis that cracks and subtly grows more intense and manic as it goes on, rather than full-blown dementia right from the beginning, which I thought was a more interesting way to do it. And there is something very sad about the eventual disintegration of his character at the end, I do feel sorry for him because it shows the kind of upbringing he's had with the virtual isolation and cold unloving parents, especially the germ-obsessed shrunken hag of a mother who labels his few friends as "diseased." And while his dad may have been distant and woefully oblivious, he at least tried to remove Pin from his son's life once he found out what was happening. Cyndy Preston was so beautiful and her fragile yet strong character loved her brother and didn't want to see him put away, but neither was she willing to completely give up her own life for the sake of his jealous delusions. I just loved her voice, she sounded like an angelic princess! I love the whole sequence between Leon seemingly murdering Stan and when the ugly truth is finally revealed. It's tremendously suspenseful as Leon grows more edgy and nervous as his sins lie just outside buried in the woodpile and the tension just cranks up as you know that sooner or later something's gonna happen to make him slip up. There's such a great payoff to the scene as everything Leon's done - not just that night but over the years, comes crashing down on him in one night. And like practically everything else about this movie, it's done in a very subtle, yet strongly compelling and engrossing way, and that's one of the reasons that I love it. I really wish I still did feel like when I was a kid, but I don't find Pin himself creepy, just not at all! There's like a total mental blank there, I see him as a thing, an inanimate object. It doesn't spoil anything for me as I don't think the film requires one bit that you find Pin scary in order to enjoy it. What I do find disturbing is the depths of Leon's attachment to the thing, and how when he argues with it he's actually arguing with himself about the strange icky disturbing stuff that he can't bring himself to admit to, and the way his split personality existed as a totally separate entity as Pin, and how his bond with a simple anatomist's dummy ran so deep and powerful that when Ursula eventually chops it to bits it's actually Leon's sense of self that 'dies' as the Pin half of his personality consumes his own and he becomes the new Pin as revealed in the moving final scene. And I don't care what anyone says, until you see his face, you're wondering what the hell is going on in that moment! And it's an excellent way to end this sadly underrated and overlooked classic that, once seen, is one that you don't tend to forget in a hurry, and for good reason. Later.
RevRonster On paper, this film sounds really lame and something that would probably be better suited for an unintentional comedy rather than a psychological thriller. However, thanks to a great performance from the lead, some really strange tones and themes and a killer ending, I found I enjoyed this film a whole lot more than I originally anticipated.David Hewlett is just captivating as the lead with a screw loose that thinks a medical dummy is speaking to him. He carries the movie through and helps makes the film feel less like a bad B-horror movie and more like a "Psycho"-style psychological thriller. Yes, the movie gets uncomfortably weird at points but it proved to be more engaging that I thought it would be.