The Butterfly Room
The Butterfly Room
| 04 August 2012 (USA)
The Butterfly Room Trailers

A reclusive and butterfly-obsessed elderly lady suffering from bipolar disorder develops a disturbing relationship with a mysterious but seemingly innocent youngster.

Skunkyrate Gripping story with well-crafted characters
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Johan Louwet I guess this movie is pretty unknown with only 14 people reviewing it before me and less than 1000 rating it. Yet with such a cast you would think it would appeal to a large audience. Maybe there wasn't done much promotion. The positive reviews outweigh the negative ones but still only a 5,6 average as I'm writing this. I guess a matter of taste because I wouldn't think this movie is bad in any way. Yes you could make a case for some aspects on the story not being worked out that well. Why was Ann (brilliantly played by Barbara Steele with those deadly staring eyes) so obsessed with little girls? She obviously couldn't handle it when her own daughter Dorothy was becoming a woman. Maybe she wanted them to stay young and beautiful forever just like the butterflies she preserved and pinned to the walls. I'm sure if you pay well attention enough most of the questions do get answered yet that is probably what makes the movie and story so strong, some of the mystery remains. Not only Ann is an interesting character study but little Alice as well. She did remind me a bit of Rhoda from the Bad Seed in being manipulative but she obviously didn't have the psychopathic treats of Rhoda. Kudos to Julia Putnam pulling this role of well and also Ellery Sprayberry as little Julie who was obviously going to be Ann's next victim. The story alternates between present and flash-back storytelling which demands a little focus and in the beginning a little confusing about why Ann reacts to some people in a certain way but in the end the pieces of the puzzle come together. Very tense last scenes with the characters of Julie, Ann, workman Nick (Ray Wise) and Dorothy (Heather Langenkamp) all coming together. Also very strong last scene from Dorothy first taking some kind of revenge on her mother and than later at Julie's birthday party now being adopted by Dorothy and seeing her wish granted by having a brother. That reaction of hers and than the expression on her face when a family picture is taken, wow she even shrieks from herself and for the viewer yeah, is the terror really over?
K. Emerton ...and that's it. Heather Langenkamp is still a fantastic actress and I hope this is a comeback role for her. I just hope that her upcoming films aren't as horrible as this one. In a word, it was boring. The plot was confusing and hard to follow. It kept going back and forth from the past, even before that, and the future. It was like three short films with similar plots being spliced up and played over each other. The only other reason I wanted to see this was because of P.J. Soles (one of my favorite 80s actresses), and she only had about ten seconds (if that). It was a complete waste of time and I wish I'd had better luck with this pick.
miguel-guitarra It was a promising film, with loads of Argento-like captures and also in general plot. I really had a good time, although confused by the time-lines, that at some point go berserk.At this moment, you don't know who is who, the what or why or when get all mixed up, messed up, and I can't even describe the last 30 minutes...If anyone even read my comments, they should know I am a total horror/thriller fan, and it's not my business dissing movies, instead I'd love to say good things about this genre.But really, this turns out to be pathetic, pointless, overall confusing, and really with no plot.
ambercatgoddess-484-733898 This movie was terrifying for me. It was almost as if they somehow resurrected my mother and my childhood memories. Everything that Ann says right down to the behaving as if she were innocent are right on point. The words that she uses she is so convincing as this part its amazing.The only difference between this movie and my life is that my mother is still alive and we still do not speak. The trauma that can grow over time can lead to erratic behavior such as what you see with Ann. She is meddlesome, nosy, judgmental and creepy. She tries to pretend she is completely innocent and not at fault for anything.This movie is not a disappointment as I watch plenty of horror and thrillers as it is. But this one had a special touch as it was a bit like Deja Vu for me. I do highly recommend this movie.